Knight in Shinning Armor

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Juan's P. O. V
You shouldn't be doing this, she would be very upset if she found out. I thought to myself as I was driving down a road. I was following my Pumpkin, to see how far she walked and to aid her if she needed assistance. She was limping very badly and it was making me feel sick. But she just kept trudging along, every now and then looking at her watch.
Finally after a hour later, she goes to a house at the end of a block that is very dirty. The house looks like it is falling apart and there is a very angry man glaring at her. I look at my dashboard, she waked 4 miles in a hour, no wonder she is limping so badly. I watch as the scene in front of me unravel. The man, who I think is her step dad, stomps towards her and grabs her by her hair. She lets out a whimper but does nothing.
My blood begins to boil, why would her hurt her? I want to go and do something, but she would be suspicious and I can't have that if I want to save her the right way.
" You're late!" He hisses and spits in her face.
"I told you be here by 4, it's 4:30! You have to make dinner for me and my guests, and since your late, I'm not taking you to the doctor to check that leg," he growls and throws her to the door. She slams into it, and then scurries inside.
"Ugh, useless," he finishes and then makes his way inside.
How could anyone be so cruel to my Pumpkin?! I feel something warm slid down my hand and see them bleeding. I had dug my nails to hard into my palm. My blood is boiling so bad, I just want to punch that man so hard, to have him get a taste of his own medicine.
This is not okay, I have to save her sooner than I expected. I can't have her living in this hellhole any longer. I have to come up with a plan tonight so that way I can be her knight in shinning armor tomorrow.
I look in the phone book when I get to my house. Yes, my house. I live alone, and I support myself. I have to find a better job that way I can support me and my Pumpkin, she would want to finish school and I'll make that sacrifice for her. I find her number and send her a quick text.
Me: Pack a bag and be ready to go tomorrow after school. I'm a take you somewhere safe.
Pumpkin: Who is this?! You've got the wrong person. Sorry.
Me: No I don't, be prepared Pumpkin, I'm coming for you.
Pumpkin: If you don't stop, I'm calling the police! Leave me alone!
I don't respond. If she calls the police, my plan will be ruined and she will stay in the hellhole.
Me: Oh, I'm sorry. Are you not Suzzy?
Pumpkin: No, and it's fine.
Me: Okay, and sorry if I scared you. I have to pick up Suzzy later.
I think I covered up quite nicely. She didn't respond so I'm taking that as a good sign.
The next day
I didn't go to school because I have to make sure everything is in order. I packed my belongings, and cleaned out my house. I made sure we would have a fresh start together, we would be going to a ghost town in the middle of nowhere. I am renting out a little apartment next to the grocery store and will be working there. The high school there is decent so she will have a good chance at getting colleges to notice her. A less of a fight to get a job she wants. I took out all the money in my bank account, which isn't a whole lot but will be a good starting point.
I get in my truck and start to head the way to her house. When I get here I see her through the window and she looks absolutely stunning. Her hair is in a messy bun and she has some loose hair falling in her face. She is doing her homework and I can see a bag by her feet. I smile to myself, even though I told her I was going to get a girl named Suzzy, she still packed a bag.
I get out of the truck and look at my reflection one last time. My hair is messy from the stress I have had all day and I'm wearing a loose black shirt, with some basketball shorts. Casual yet comfortable. I hope I look nice enough for my Pumpkin. I walk up do the door and run my hands through my hair one last time. I am so nervous, what happens if she resists and doesn't want to come with me? I shake the thought out of my head and knock on the door.
"Give me a second!" Her angelic voice says as she makes her way to the door. It opens and her head pops out from around the corner. Her eyes widen when she realizes it's me.
"Blue!" She hisses and comes out while she shuts the door quietly behind her.
"What are you doing here? How did you know I live here?" She asks while she shakes her head. I just smile, she is gonna be so happy when I tell her.
"I'm here to take you somewhere safe. You have your bag ready I presume," I say as my smile grows wider. Her eyes grow wide and she backs up.
"You're the one who texted me last night! And no, I'm not going anywhere with you. I'm fine here! Don't touch me!" She spits and swats my hand away when I try to grab her.
"Yes you are, now come on! I have everything ready for us, just grab your bag and let's go," I say quickly.
"No! Get back," she screams while she opens the door and goes inside, slamming the door in my face. How dare she disrespect me like that? I am trying to give her a better life and she rejects me? No, I've gone to far to have her stop me. I try to open the door but it was locked. I look up when I hear shuffling. She was running up the stairs really fast. I slam by body against the door a couple times and it opens.
I make my way up the stairs, and stand still, quiet. Her step dad was out with his friends, so I wouldn't have to worry about interruptions.
I walk by several doors before I hear soft whimpering.
"Pumpkin," I say softly before knocking on the door. Her whimpering automatically stops and I hear her ragged breathing. It stays like that for a couple of minutes, she probably though I left because she opens the door. When she sees me she screams and punches me in the face, she has a very strong arm but if she were to do it a bit slower, her formation would be a lot better. My head flies back from the hit but I put my foot in the hole before she slams it and wince at the pain, I open it and see her standing in the corner breathing hard.
"Pumpkin," I say softly as I make my way towards her. Holding my hands in front of me, so she know I don't do her harm.
"S-Stay back blue, don't touch me!, please," she says and whispers the last part.
"I'm not gonna touch you, just please come with me so you can be safe! I know what your step dad does to you, just come with me," I plead with her, begging her to understand.
"No! I am staying here, and if you come any closer there is gonna be some big trouble!" She threatens and stands a little bit straighter.
"NO!" I shout. I was getting angry.
"Can't you see that I'm trying to give you a better life?! You are coming with me, and that's final!," I yell at her.
"You're insane!" Pumpkin spat, looking at me with pure disgust.
"I prefer the term Differently Sane Pumpkin," I said while smiling lovingly at her.
"Quit call me Pumpkin, my name is Sophia! I want to stay home!" She screamed while her eyes were tearing up.
"You are home, don't you understand?! I am going to be taking care you you for now on, and better!" I yelled at her and grabbed her wrist. Her eyes grew wide with realization that I wasn't gonna let her go.
"No, let me go!" She said hitting me on the arm.
"Never, you are mine now. I love you, forever more,"
Hey there munchkins! So I won't be updating all this week coming up since it's finals, but after that I will update. Hope you guys like it, and I love you guys! 💙💙

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