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Hanging up the phone, Crimson resumed playing music and dancing around her apartment with even more energy. She badly sang along to the song lyrics while flipping the last pancake.

She'd just gotten great news—her friends cancelled plans for the afternoon.

Crimson had a lazy Saturday all to herself. She didn't have to even get dressed, or certainly not leave her apartment. She could order in dinner, listen to music, and relax all day.

She slid across the kitchen floor to grab the syrup, crashing into the wall while laughing at herself. That phone call had freed her and made her entire day.

Turning the music off, Crimson planted herself firmly on her couch with a plate of pancakes and turned on netflix. She pressed play on Gossip Girl, a guilty pleasure show for her.

"Shoot!" She groaned, getting syrup on the feather around her neck. Luckily, it wiped off easily.

Shrugging it off, she continues to eat her pancakes and soaks in the drama of the show. A little syrup wasn't gonna ruin the feather, or her mood.

Most people didn't get this happy when canceling plans with friends, but most people had better friends than she did. They said what they were doing and when, and she showed up. It didn't matter if she didn't want to. A cancellation worked out in her favor.

Plus, she was really not looking forward to them pushing her to get back with Danny. Or questioning her about Grayson.

That's what they did the first time they saw him, two weeks ago. And what they'd done pretty much every time she saw them since then.

Crimson had, surprisingly, straight up lied to them and said she hadn't seen Grayson again.

Of course she had. He'd come over every couple days at least, the two just hanging out. She'd started feeling more comfortable with him already, especially after he'd shown her that he wasn't going to be like the other people in her life.

Call her selfish, but she liked having someone in her life who she was comfortable with. Someone who cared about her.

And Grayson liked having someone who didn't just think of him as a coworker. He liked that she just enjoyed hanging out with him, even if she was rightfully curious about Heaven and his job.

But she wasn't really thinking about that—her mind was on Dan Humphrey as the show played on.

"You really weren't gonna invite me?" Grayson feigns offense, appearing next to her on the couch. She jumps in surprise, almost dropping her pancakes. "You said you'd be busy."

"And you said you'd warn me before coming over like that," she whines. "My friends cancelled. How'd you know I was home?"

Grayson just shrugs innocently, turning his attention to the tv. He may have—just for a second—checked in to see what she was up to today.

Having a connection with her made it very easy for him to see a glimpse of her when he wanted. He'd stop right away if it was something she wouldn't want him seeing.

"Their loss is my gain," he grins. "And I brought you a chai latte," as he hands it to her, she gasps.

"You really are an angel."

Grayson snorts with a roll of his eyes. "Now you're positive? It wasn't me saving your life?"

Crimson giggles quietly, sucking down the latte he'd brought. "There are more pancakes in the kitchen if you want some," Grayson doesn't really need to eat. She hadn't seen him eat once since they met. "I know you don't have to, but why wouldn't you want to?"

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