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Crimson laughed against Grayson's lips as her back hit the wall, hands tangling in his hair.

"I love you," he hums, lifting her up and urging her to wrap her legs around his waist. "So... much..." he trails kisses down her neck, mumbling the words against it.

"Gray!" She gasps as he carries her toward her bed. "Mm, hey! Not now."

"Why not?" He mumbles. Crimson smiles as she holds his face in her hands, forcing him to look at her.

"I have to be back from my lunch break in ten minutes," she reminds, kissing him again.

Grayson bites down on her bottom lip, humming into the kiss. "We can make that work."

Crimson giggles, throwing her head back. Squirming in his arms, she convinces him to put her down. Her lunch break was just about over, so they didn't have long.

"Fine," he whines, arms still around her. "I've just missed you,"

"I've missed you too. But I saw you two days ago! And I promise I'll see you again as soon as I'm out of work," she smiles.

Crimson had a lot of schoolwork to catch up on yesterday so she hadn't seen Grayson, but it hadn't been that long since they'd hung out. He didn't want to let her go now that he had her in his arms though.

"Don't you have to work too?" She snorts.

Grayson plants a kiss to her forehead. "I guess I could go get some stuff done."

"I'll see you later," Crimson says one last time, and Grayson brings her back to the office. He watches her walk in, until he can't see her anymore.

Grayson heads off, realizing he should probably make an appearance in Heaven. He'd been a little absent lately.

But when she gets home, calling out to him in her empty apartment, he still shows up right away. He wasn't doing anything too important.

Grayson smiles at her, immediately leaning down for a kiss.

"Hey, could we, uh, talk?" Crimson asks, playing with her hands. He gives a slow nod and follows her to the couch. "I've just-I've been thinking a lot lately, about us,"

Well that didn't sound good.

Lately, Crimson was worried about them getting caught, or what they were going to do at all. She was mortal, aging, she had a short life she had to live. Grayson was constant, with all the time in the world.

They could both be in serious trouble if caught, surely they'd be separated and kept apart. That didn't sound like two people who should be in a relationship.

Yet, they loved each other. They both cared about each other more than anyone or anything else in the world and were willing to risk their livelihood's to be together.

Maybe that's what love was about, but there had to be some solution. Some workaround they were missing.

As she rambled on about their differences, the risks, he listened carefully.

"I've been looking into alternatives to you needing to age and die. There are some rare-but legitimate-options, Red. And we haven't been caught yet."

"Spoke too soon," someone scoffed, appearing in the recliner across from them.

Crimson jumped at the sight of the angel, one she was unfamiliar with. The wings, halo, and glowing eyes gave away what they were though.

"Hans. What are you doing here?" Grayson narrowed his eyes, shielding Crimson with his own body.

"Grayson! Crimson! Hans is looking for you, and-he's here. Great," Seraphina appears.

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