Scene 1

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Lights up; a school bathroom with two stalls, each occupied by a transgender student. They change clothing with their backs to the audience; ADRIAN struggles to fit a chest binder over his head, whereas DYLAN has just dropped one of zir bra inserts.

DYLAN: (Scrounging around for the bra insert.) Carajo. Dri, did you see where my falsie went?

ADRIAN: (Out of breath.) Can't see much right now, sorry. Think it bounced off my right foot.

DYLAN: There it is. (Inserts the falsie, starts pulling zir shirt on.) Blends in with the floor every time. Okay, your neighbors. You were saying...

ADRIAN: Oh, one of their bratty kids just deadnamed me again and nobody corrected them. Same old, same old.

DYLAN: Oof. Sadly, people didn't get much more original at breakfast. I got called a trap behind my back.

ADRIAN: (Snorts.) Of course they can't say anything to someone's face, lest they actually have to answer to someone for it. Ready for the Geometry quiz today, at least?

DYLAN: (Leaves the stall.) Ugh, I couldn't study at all. Berto and Lana can't read their homework to save their lives, they constantly get in fights, Mom texts every hour--did you get dinner, did you clean up the living room, are you staying out of trouble...can't concentrate for five seconds.

ADRIAN: (Finally gets his binder on--grabs his shirt.) Yikes. And she can't call a babysitter to look after the twins?

As ADRIAN exits the stall, DYLAN lets an awkward pause hang in the air. ADRIAN looks at zir expectantly.

DYLAN: We can't afford it.


Let Me Do the Talking: An Attempted One-Act on Xenophobia and Effective AdvocacyWhere stories live. Discover now