Scene 5

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Lights up; ADRIAN sits in his living room, poring over the coffee table. This house is no mansion either, but it is considerably more spacious; it takes up the entire stage. The walls are a light-but-muted green; most of the furniture has a "modern" edge. A flat-screen TV sits on a stand in front of a couch, two matching living chairs, and the coffee table.

ADRIAN's mother NINA comes in from the front door; she hugs him.

NINA: Hi, baby. I'm so sorry again about work. Did the Lyft go okay?

ADRIAN: Yeah. Delightfully awkward. We talked some, but I kept having to ask him to repeat what he said. Hope I didn't make him too self-conscious about his accent.

NINA: (Exasperated.) Oh, I don't know how many times I've had that happen to me. You think they'd screen people like that a little more carefully.

ADRIAN: (Squints; that was problematic.) For what?

NINA: If they can't speak the language, you think they can read the traffic signs? I've watched them. They always stare at the arrow on the screen instead of listening to the GPS.

ADRIAN: Mom, that doesn't mean anything. I can speak French in class with like, no accent at all, but you ask me to write something out with the right accents and I'll flunk. Not to mention the last thing someone wants to do is miss a left turn in Nashville.

NINA: (Laughing, glancing down at the coffee table) You've got me there. What are you working on now?

ADRIAN: (Trying to cover it up.) Just a project for school.

NINA: Aah, still in the not-so-pretty stages, I understand. Well I won't keep bothering you--I'll start on dinner. (Exits.)

ADRIAN: (Scowls at the "project.") Well, I think it's pretty.

Let Me Do the Talking: An Attempted One-Act on Xenophobia and Effective AdvocacyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang