❤️ Chapter Nine ❤️

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*Picture of Roxie's hair to the side*

"Hey, Roxanne. I need to talk to you."

I glanced up at my chemistry teacher, Mr. Loris, an eyebrow raised. "Everything good?"

"Yes. Fine. You're grades have picked up remarkably." He scratched his head. "I have another student who's grades, unlike yours, have dropped drastically. You're one of my best students; I was hoping you'd agree to tutor him."

I frowned. Tutor? Please. Can I make sure my grades are okay before I go and help someone else?

"It can be for extra credit," he said, dragging the last word. "I really don't want to have him again another year, to be honest. He's a handful. If he actually starts doing the material and picking up his grades, by the end of the year, he could pass with a B or maybe even an A- if you're really good."

I didn't hear anything after extra credit. "Yeah, okay. So I can get extra credit if I just tutor some loser you don't want to deal with next year?"

Mr. Loris is the senior Chemistry and AP Chem teacher.

"Will you do it?"

"If it gets me extra credit, sure." I shrug, refocusing on the assignment. "Who is it, anyway?"

"Oh, you know him," Mr. Loris said, waving his hand. "Anthony. Anthony Nichols."

I placed down the pencil and watched as Mr. Loris walked away. I was pissed. Pissed and scared. Because the 'loser' I have to tutor is Anthony. And we all know that's not going to end well.

By the time class ended, I was still in a daze. I didn't even finish the stupid worksheet. I was too busy thinking about how I can get out of tutoring Anthony. But what's the point? I need the extra credit.

"Aye, Roxanne!"

I turned to see Max jogging up to me, his pants sagging a little. He pulled them up a little, not that it made much of a difference.

He threw his arm around me and we started making our way towards the cafeteria.

"What's going on?"

I gave him a blank stare. "I'm Anthony's new tutor."

He whistled lowly. "Shit. Back out of it."

"I can't. I get extra credit for doing it." I sighed and ran a finger down my braid. "I've got to just do it. Maybe we can come to some...agreement."

"Agreement?" Max scoffs and shakes his head. "Like what? You promise to tutor you as long as he doesn't tell you who he's fucking?"

I smirked. "That's a start."


"I know. I should go find him."

Max sighed. He disliked Anthony more than I did. After Anthony left...I was fucked up. It was more than crying myself to sleep and calling every day to see if he'd come back. I was hurt. Me and Anthony were this weird match. We were never officially together, but it was official. We both came from fucked up worlds and we used each other to fix it. To mend it. To get over it. I started having nightmares again. Of him. Of my father, too. Terrible dreams that woke me up and scared me so much that I couldn't go back to sleep. He had done that. He fucked me up. I grew closer to Max during that time. Symone is still my best friend. But for some reason it was easier to talk to a guy about it. It was easier to talk to Max about it.

"He's probably in the cafeteria."

I nodded and we made our way there. Max had asked me if I wanted him to come with me to talk to him but I refused. So he went to our table and I made my way to Anthony's. Everyone was there but him. I sighed and leaned against the table, so I could look at Brianna.

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