Chapter 1

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It all start on the first day of school, class 2-A was mixed with a bunch of different emotions.
Some were going to miss summer break and upset they have to go back to school, but there were a select few who were excited to go back to school. Not to mention some were just plain surprised they made it this far without being expelled. after mineta was expelled in the first year for trying to hide cameras in the girls change room, everyone was on their best behaviour.
Shinso had been transferred into class 1-A and managed to make it into second year despite the purple haired cat lover to come into the class almost half way done the year. No one but todoroki seemed to notice the similarities between shinso and their Sensei.
"Are you Sensei's secret love child or something?" He would constantly ask shinso, only to be ignored by the purple haired boy.
Back to the morning of the first day back.
Uraraka woke up to the sound of her favourite j-pop song playing from her alarm clock. She gently pressed the off button and sat up, stretching her arms over her head. She touched her feet to the ground to put her feet back in the covers. "Why is the floor always so colddddd?" She whined to herself, grabbing her slippers and putting them on.
She made her bed and made her way over to her dressed to grab her shower bag and uniform she had cleaned the day before. She walked out of her room, towel in hand, and made her way to the showers located on the ground floor. She was sleepily walking down to the ground floor when she rammed into something, or more like someone-
She looked up to see and all too familiar blondie. "Hey Bakugo-." She said with a yawn and a sleepy smile.
Bakugo scoffed and was almost too tired to even give a scowl. "Sup round face, watch where you're going next time" he said sternly to the round faced girl. Ochako let out a giggle and jokingly pushed Bakugo on his shoulder. "I should be saying the same thing to yo-." She was cut off when Bakugo fell down the stairs backwards, waking her up almost instantly. "OMG MY GOODNESS, ARE YOU OK!?" She yelled as she dropped all her stuff and went to go check on Bakugo.
The blonde just pushed her away and got up, muttering something under his breath. "Fuck off round face." He said bluntly as he made his way up the stairs. "Well I guess someone woke up in the wrong side of the bed-." She said as she bent down the pick up her belongings she dropped beforehand. She continued her way to the ground floor and saw her two best friends, iida and deku. Honestly she had a small thing going on with deku but she hadn't told anyone. She walked over to the two and set her stuff in the counter, she quickly gave deku and kiss on the cheek while iida wasn't looking. Iida has always been clueless about Izuku and uraraka's relationship. Even when he walked in on their movie night date in dekus room. They had been cuddling on dekus bed when iida bursted into the green haired boys room. They supposed that he thought it was just a friendly hang out because they let him join in on their movie, to their dismay.
Iida whipped around and started scolding deku on his un proper way of cracking eggs, uraraka took this chance to walk off to the showers after grabbing her things. She walked down the hall staring at her phone when she bumped into none other Bakugo Katsuki. "Again!?" She thought to herself as she scrambled to pick up her belongings. She looked up to see Bakugo with a towel around his waist, she had never noticed how hot Bakugo was but into that moment the world seemed to stop and she turned into a blushing mess. What was she thinking!? She had a boyfriend that she loved dearly but she couldn't stop staring. Bakugo was honestly freaking out inside, he had always had a soft spot for uraraka. She was so strong and a good fighter even though everyone underestimated her. She snapped back into reality and stood up, bowing her head. "My apologies Bakugo! I didn't mean t-." Uraraka was cut off by Bakugo scoffing and walking off.
"Why is he always grumpy-." She asked herself as she walked into the girls shower room.

This is my first chapter of my first fanfic! I hope you enjoy and I'll be sure to post more, since I enjoyed writing this. Bye for now (*''*)

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