Chapter 3

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I can't stress enough how freaking happy I am about all support, I left my fanfic alone for the holidays and came back to see it had 83 reads! I started crying because I never thought a fanfic by someone who has failed literally every English grade ever would get this many reads. It's makes me so happy! TYSM!!!

Uraraka rushed to the nurses office with her backpack in hand, she didn't have time to put it on! She ran down the hallways, her pink converse shoes tapping on the hard concrete floor of the school. Suddenly her laces slowly started to come undone. Uraraka having tunnel vision kept running until she found herself face first in the floor, she looked up to see todoroki and....deku? She sat up and wiped the blood that was dripping from her nose, just a bloody nose no biggy, but what was the big deal was shoto kissing her boyfriend! Her heart felt like it had been ripped out of her chest and torn apart. Tears started streaming down her cheeks as she zoned out, her brain replayed every memory of her and Deku together. She felt the world spinning. She thought she would faint right there and then... Until she we snapped out of it by, screaming? She saw Deku on the ground looking with fear at Bakugo who looked like he was about to murder both of the other boys. Uraraka stood up and sniffled, turning all three boys attention to her. She started to tear up when Deku yelled "ochako let me explain its not what it loo-" uraraka looked at Izuku with a deadpan expression. "Shut up midoriya.... Save your stupid excuses, I saw everything... Have a great time with todoroki." She spit harshly before looking at Bakugo. "Round face.." Uraraka turned on her heels and ran off, not looking back in feat she would cry again. She had ran so fast she didn't even care to pick her bag off ground. She had only noticed when she want to text Mina and she didn't have her phone. She sighed and slammed her door, locking it with no intent of unlocking it in a while. She pushed her dresser in front of the door before collapsing on her ground in a puddle of tears. He loved him how could he do this to her? He broke her heart and handed it back to her. He gave up on her, he promised he wouldn't but he did...

After a few days of people knocking on the door they just stopped. Everyone seemed to forget uraraka existed.... They all moved on. Everyone gave their congratulations to the new couple of 2-A . Bakugo would come by urarakas room and knock on her door everyday to ask Her if she needed anything days turned into weeks and soon a month went by. All the while Bakugo did urarakas homework and handed it in for her, telling the teachers she was sick. Katsuki even went with her for every project so she wouldn't fall behind. Bakugo tried everything to get her out of that room but nothing worked....
Bakugo sat in class copying extra notes for uraraka when todoroki came up to him. Bakugo saw him and kept looking down at ochakos notebook that he was writing in. "Why are you still trying.." todoroki said in a monotone voice. Bakugo kept strong and ignored him even though he wanted to punch the two toned haired boy that stood in front of him. "She's never gonna come back just forget about he-." Just then bakugo stood up and threw a textbook at todoroki. Everyone looked over at all the noise and mina started chanting "fight fight fight" only to have kirishima cover her mouth to get her to shut up. Bakugo paused and looked down. "And who's fault is that half and half..." he mumbled. Todoroki scoffed and slammed the textbook on the desk. "What was that Bakugo?" He said still pretty emotionless. "It's that damn nerds fault, he did this! If he didn't cheat on her with you then she would still be ok!" He yelled in his normal angry tone. Everyone seemed to freeze and stare at deku then at todoroki. Mina got so angry that kirishima and denki had to hold her back. "YOU IDIOT!! YOU CHEATED ON HER WITH TODOROKI!!?! WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU YOURE GONNA PAY! I SWEAR YOU WONT LIVE TO SEE AN-." Sero tapped minas mouth up before she could say anything worse. Bakugo picked up his stuff while mutters were heard from around the class. "Midoriya-chan, you cheated on ochako-chan? Kero." Tsu asked in an innocent tone. "I-I u-uh w-well" Deku tried to answer. "No go ahead tell them the truth.." Katsuki muttered. "I-I and todoroki started dating while I was in a relationship with uraraka..." everyone seemed to be surprised and mina was still struggling to get out of the two boys grasps. Bakugo sighed and stood up before walking to the dorms, skipping the rest of that  terrible day of school. It was always terrible now, now that her beautiful smile wasn't there. He opened the door of the dorm building and set the notes on the coffee table in the living room when he heard something in the kitchen. He walked over to the kitchen and peeked to see a... blanket? It was some sort of blanket creature, digging trough the freezer, adding to the pile of food it already had. He lit and explosion in his palm and grabbed the creature and pinned it to the floor, face first. He noticed the creature had brown hair and was sniffling. In fact it was actually a human! He slowly got off the brown haired girl as she wiped her tears and looked at Bakugo. She then sprinted away to her room. Bakugo following after her, "ROUND FACE WAIT UP!!" He yelled as he ran down the halls until he stopped at her door. He tried to open the door but it was locked. He slammed himself against the door and it opened. He scanned the room and saw a blanket pile in the bed. "Ochako get up..." he mumbled. No answer. "Ochako! I'm not gonna say it again-." He then pulled off the blankets to reveal nothing.... he panicked and looked around the room and saw a open window. He looked around to see a missing pair of shoes.

"Ochako...." Bakugo breathed out.

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