Giovanni x insecure reader

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You and Giovanni had been best friends for a long while now. It still hurt for you too think of him that way, but it was something you had grown used too. You'd had a massive crush on giovanni for longer than you could count. Whenever you thought about how you really felt about the extraverted, self assumed criminal, you found that a low, deep ache appeared in the deepest pit of your chest. It wasn't unbearable, but whenever it was there, you just wanted to sit down, place your head in your hands and cry. But you never had, because that wouldn't get you anywhere.

That exact feeling was what led to the situation you were in now. You and Giovanni were sitting on a swing set you had found in a forest, discussing everything and anything. Somehow, the topic of crushes came up.

"So this person i like!" Said Giovanni enthusiastically, like he always did, smiling. "their perfect!! Bold, Bright, amazing sense of style..." He said, looking over at you with his usual smile. "And who could ever resist me, the great and terrible Giovanni?!" He said.

"Not me, apparently.." You murmured, only audible to you. You avert your eyes from his, burying your hands in the pockets of your long fluffy jumper.

"What was that?" Giovanni asked you, looking at you with intent. Your breath hitched. Did he hear that?

"O-oh.." you stammered out, "i was just saying... t-that... that no one could possibly resist someone like you! I'm sure whoever this girl is.. Really likes you!" you said, trying to sound enthusiastic.

Giovanni laughed brightly, smirking his usual self assured smirk smile. "Of course they would! The only problem is that..." For a brief second, his voice quieted. You rarely ever heard it do so. "I don't know how to tell them. What if... they get upset?"

You looked at Giovanni. You'd never seen him upset. Sure, his usual mad, loud, act was one thing, but you knew that he was secretly really nice. Once you got to know him, it was clear he wouldn't hurt anyone he cared about. But you had never seen him... sad. Never even close.

"Why would they get upset?" You asked, disturbed by his sad tone.

Noticing your disturbance, he perked up again, dramatically striking a pose. "No idea." he said, "My terrible dude-ness might scare them."

You smiled at him slightly and laughed a little bit. Your chest still ached, but you did your best to hide it. Obviously, you didn't do well at this, because Giovanni noticed.

"Y/n?" He asked you, putting a hand on your shoulder. "Are you alright?"

You avert your eyes once more. "Im fine, just feel a bit sick. I think im gonna head home." You replied, jumping off the swing.

"Well, then i, the great Giovanni shall walk you home! Because it's my job to keep all my bo--" He cut himself off, stopping him from calling you a boy. "It's my job to keep all my friends well, because no one makes my minions cry except for me!"

You fought down telling him it was fine, because you knew that if you told him you would walk home by yourself he would be concerned. You didn't want him to be, because plain and simple, you didn't think you deserved it. (just too whoever reads this, you do deserve people care and your amazing.)

"Thanks." You murmured to him, snuggling your hands deeper into your pockets.

"Of course!" Giovanni said back to you, as you two began too walk back to your house.

When you got there, you bit him farewell and walked inside, closing the door. The moment he had left, you broke. You fell against the door, and curled up into a ball with your back to it. You couldn't help the tears that slowly fell from your eyes. You let yourself cry for who knows how long.

Little did you know, Giovanni was still standing on your front porch. He was leaving, before he heard you hit against the door. At first he was worried you had been hurt, as you said you felt sick, but then he heard you crying.

You let yourself sob until it felt as if you were choking. You didn't know why, you had always felt this way, but something had always held you back from crying before. Maybe now it was the fact that you knew that he liked someone else. "Why had you ever assumed he would like you, y/n?" You asked yourself, holding your head in your hands. "Why had you ever assumed that you were good enough?" You asked again, letting your head bang against the door. You almost mistaken Giovanni's knocks on your door for it.

Your breath hitched as you heard his voice come through the wood paneling. It wasn't his usual, loud, self assured tone, but quiet and concerned. It was like you hadn't ever heard that voice before. "Y/n?" he asked quietly.

For a good minute you were silent. Then you took a deep breath and said, just loud enough for him to hear, "Yeah?"

Giovanni sighed quietly. "Why on earth would you ever think those things? You should respect yourself as much as I do, even more!! Being alive.... Existing in the universe, doesn't give you a debt, you have to pay it for existing. If anything it puts everyone around you like that because.. Because.." he trailed off for a moment. "BECAUSE YOUR AMAZING!"

You sat there, shocked at his outburst. It was not impossible that you'd sat there for hours, just listening to the sound of each others breaths. You considered getting up, but it seemed like you had lost all your strength.

"y/n?" Giovannni asked again eventually. "Can I come in?" he asked, a bit louder now.

You nodded, and after a few seconds realized he couldn't see, so you just stood up and opened the door, trying to ignore the tears trickling down your chin too your neck.

The split second Giovani saw you, his eyes clouded with worry and.. Something like anger. You didn't know why. Wordlessly, he stepped towards you, his tall figure itching over yours. He looked down at you, staring into your puffy e/c (eye color) eyes. The hurt showed in his.

Before you could ask him what was wrong, he wrapped his arms around you, his chest pressing against yours, and your head being buried in the crook of his neck. He ran his hands up and down your back softly, letting your tears soak into his suit. He never really took it off. "Why on earth wouldn't you tell me these things..?" he whispered quietly, rubbing circles on your back. How on earth was he so good with physical contact?

"I-i.." you tried too stamer words but you couldn't. It was like you were choking on them. You forced them back up. "I'm scared y-you'll leave.." you whispered, holding onto him tighter. "Or that i wont b-be good enough..." you whimpered, losing the fight of keeping the tears in your eyes from falling from them.

Giovanni held onto you tighter. "You will always be enough. Always. I know that, because i'm the great Giovanni Potage."

A soft giggle escaped you. It was a sad, gaspy, sobbing giggle. You always laughed at how self assured Giovanni was. And now he was this assured in you. "Why do you think that, Giovanni?" you asked quietly.

He tilted your head up, holding your chin and wiping your tears. His soft hands slowly grazed your cheek. You felt your face heat up as he stared into your eyes. "Because, (y/n)..." he murmured. "I love you." with that he slowly and gently pressed his lips too yours, kissing you.

It felt as if the entire world were made of the fluttering in your chest. You hoped it would never end.

(HEJ HEJ YALL ITS STAR HERE!!! i hopr yall enjoyed my fanfic, espeacially you, aja. i see you. and @ILoveTheSnekBoops whos workingon this book with me! night guys!! (its 1:47 am and this has been 1346 words)

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