giovanni x in the middle reader

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Im sorry i haven't updated for so long.Gio isint ur lover in this)

Your two best friends had started dating recently. Of course, you were very happy for them. You loved those idiots, and the fact that they made eachother happy made you happy. Of course it did. Of course. That's the way that it should be.

The only thing that was wrong with this, was a lot of things. They didn't talk to you as much anymore. That was alright with you. You had your own lover that you could talk too. When your two best friends did talk to you, almost the only thing they would talk about would be each other. They were so happy.

A tiny part of that got on your nerves. You felt oddly unwanted because of this; as if, if you were to just drop out of both of their lives, they wouldn't miss you much. You hated that you felt this way because you were jealous. Not of either of them for being with each other, but being so happy with one another. Being so open and light hearted.

Of course you were jealous of their relationship. Your lover, who you would give the world for, didn't talk to you as much. They spent every possible hour on the phone with each other. (There was a quarantine going on.) They seemed like they were always talking. Your lover would leave you on read for hours on end. You hated that you didn't like it. You were trying to be grateful for your lover, you really were. You just missed them. Alot. Everything about them. You used to be so close. Now, whenever you two were on the phone, it never lasted longer than 45 minutes. they didn't seem to enjoy any of your conversations, and once, they had even admitted that they were bored whilst talking to you. Of course, they probably didn't mean that they were bored of you. It just hurt.

(i actually built this thing. Its huge, and took about 7 hours. :)

The app you used too talk with your friends beeped. Aly, who was in a relationship with your other best friend, Larry, had texted in the three of y'all's group chat. "Hei! Are we ready too play ^^" It read.

"Of course. Call?" You messaged back. Seconds later, Aly called you. it didn't take long for Larry to join as well. For a second your heart hurt. You haven't heard either of their voices for a while. You all said your greetings, and hopped on the world. Of course, they loved the house you made them.

"Eeee! Thankies, y/n!" Aly said over her mic, loudly.

"Of course! I love you two!" You replied.

"Thanks." Larry said. He then moved his minecraft character too Alys and made it look like he was nuzzling her.

"Awwww." You fawned over them, adoring how cute they were, and forcing the aching feeling in your chest deeper down. You went off to work on a different build.

Over the music you had playing in the background, your best friends talked. They were making banners and such.

"I love you." Larry said too Aly, over the call.

"Awee, i love you too." She replied.

You chuckled a bit, and said, "You guys are so freaking cute! I can't!" In a bubbly tone.

Aly made a flustered noise, and Larry chuckled.

The night went on. They kept talking, and, of course, flirting with each other. Several times you had told them how happy you were for either of them. Just as you were beginning to start the details on your new build, Your social media app beeped. It was Giovanni.

"Hey, are u playin mc without me!? Invite! Now!" He had texted.

You chuckled light heartedly for a bit. "Hey, guys? Is it ok with you if I have another friend join? Giovanni?" You asked Larry and Aly.

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