Giovanni x time looped reader

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You lived in constant hell. Almost literally. The first time you had woken up in the time loop, it was fun. You could do anything you wanted in these five days, and it wouldn't matter.

But eventually... it became less fun. Turns out that there aren't that many things you can do in five days, and once you've done them, there's no thrill in doing them again. No one else remembered them, which was worse. Twice now you had recollected on events that had happened in the time loop, caulseing anyone who you were talking too to look at you like you were insane.

Because of this, you lived these five days like they were any other week. You had done it so many times, that you could recite every word anyone said without even trying. You like to think it was five days, but it really hadn't been. All the days were the same, and over time, they seemed to merge into one another.

In an attempt to break it, you had stayed up all week. You had not slept for five four days. This was the fifth. It was very, very late at night, and your body was weak and dizzy from not sleeping. But you wouldn't close your eyes. Not even for an instant.

Eventually, somehow, the sun rose. Sick, tired excitement coursed through you. Rushing, and stumbling in your sleep deprived form, you checked your calendar. Monday, february 10. You were still here. You could scream, but you didn't because it was 6AM and your roommates would kill you.

Finally giving into your dizziness, and overall empty sensation, you feel into your bed, asleep before you could even try to be.

Around 12AM, you woke up. It was 12 AM on a monday. You were supposed to be at school, but did it even matter? Nothing would change if you just stayed home today, or possibly went out on the town. But that wasn't something y/n would do. Instead, you gathered your things for school, and went.

Arriving at your third period class five minutes before it had started was very awkward. Keyboarding was usually your favorite class, as you had been very good at working with your hands, the only downside was how strict the teacher was. He was kind, but did not tolerate much.

"Sit down, Y/n. Where have you been all day?" Mr. Francis asked you. (this name was inspired by my keyboarding teacher; mr. pope, and pope francis?)

"My mother had to go to the hospital, and I took her." You said. Lying was a skill you had acquired over the weeks. The worst part was you didn't even get weekends.

Mr. Frances' expression softened. "Take a seat, mrs. y/n. We haven't done much today anyways."

You sat down and dealt with the whole class. It seemed strangely longer than usual, even though you got in late.

Eventually, the lunch bell rang. You forced yourself to go to the cafeteria and sit down, not bothering to get food. Was it even worth it?

You sat in silence for quire the amount of time, or at least that's what it felt like, untill there was a small clattering beside you. "You look sad. May i sit wit you?" And energetic voice asked. It was musky, and almost deep.

Your head perked up. This was new. What had you done to trigger this? "Yeah, sure." You said, looking at the person who had asked you.

It was a boy who was a lot taller than you, even sitting down. He had oddly styled salmon pink hair and a brown jacket with blue jeans and knee high white laced boots.

"What's got you so sulking?" He asked.

"Nothing, really." You lied. What were you supposed to say? "I'm stuck in a time loop"? Yeah, no.

"Alright then, what's your name? I am the cool dude Giovanni potage." he asked.


The two of you talked for the remainder of the lunch period. Giovanni was actually really nice to be around, but maybe that was just because he was new.

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