The Exorcist - My Version

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It was so dark. I lay in my warm and cosy bed, listening to the comforting sound of rain pit-patting against the roof.

I was exhausted that night, and it wasn't very long before I peacefully lolled off to sleep.

Little did know this was the last time I would ever feel the same going to bed.

3.00am. I woke up. There was a burning smell coming from outside my bedroom door. Scared there was a fire, I pulled myself out of bed and walked into the hallway.

The end of the hallway that led to the kitchen glowed orange. I cautiously tip toed towards the kitchen.

Walking into the room, I saw no fire and the burning smell was gone. But the whole room seemed to still have a faint and earry orange glow to it.

I suddenly went very hot and when I felt my forehead, it was damp with sweat. Reaching for a glass on the kitchen bench, I poured myself some cool water.

As I took a sip the glass clinked noisily against my teeth and I kept spilling it every time I tried to drink.

I was shaking.

The whole house was quiet, you could've heard a pin drop. Then there an abrupt scratch from outside of the front door.

Then a heavy thump, as if someone - or something - was trying to push open the door.

There was another thump, and I dropped my glass in alarm. The glass smashed into tiny splinters against the rock hard tiles.

Scratch again, Thump. Thump. Thump.

With each movement the whole house shook. So did I.

I was so scared, but realized it must have been some kind of robber. So I bravely took a deep breath and shakily said, "Wh- who is there?"

The thumping and scratches stopped. I breathed out in relief.

Then suddenly something seemed to pounce against the door and the door handle rattled crazily. Thump, thump, Bang, BANG

I shrieked, but shot my hand over my mouth. Whatever the the thing was, it was not scared of me. More how ever, after hearing my voice and knowing a person was inside, it seemed to want to get at me.

Not knowing what to do I raced back to my room and threw myself into bed and buried deep under the covers.

I don't no how long I lay there. It was probably only a few minutes, but it was the longest few minutes of my life lying there in suspense.

I slowed my breathing to try and listen for any sound I could hear from the kitchen.

But it was silent.

I wished I hadn't been in such a hurry to leave mum and dad's place. I had just been so excited at the idea of moving into my own flat! But when I saw this house going really cheaply (cheaper than any decant flats) I had bought it. It was perfect. Small, but not too small. There was not much of a garden, but I didn't really need one.

I lay there under the covers, but heard nothing. So ever so slowly I cautiously pulled the blankets over my face with trembling hands.

All I saw was my plain white door, slightly ajar and leading to the empty hallway that no longer glowed orange. I sniffed the air for any trace of smoke, but couldn't smell a thing.

I lay there in the agonizing silence, my ears craned for the slightest sound. But I heard nothing.

As the minutes ticked by I decided to act. I was scared out of my wits and couldn't just stay cowering in my bed till morning. Maybe I could just try to fall asleep? I closed my eyes and tried focusing on slowing my breathing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2013 ⏰

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