part 2

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Harry's pov

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock.
I stretched and get out of my bed walking to a bathroom. I toke a quick shower and washed my teeth.
When I got out of a shower, I put my clothes on and grabed my backpack.
I came downstairs to see my mom making breakfast.
"Good morning Harry." my mom said while she was making pancakes.
"morning mom." I answered grabbing a pancake and heading out of the house.
- I guess you're not hungry.- my mom said.
- yeah, I'm gonna be late for school. Bye mom!- I said and walked out of the house. Ugh my head is killing me, I couldn't catch a lack of sleep because I was thinking about Ava the entire time. I usually think about her but this time was different.
A hundred thoughts are going thru my head. I just don't know what she saw in Niall. Niall is a great guy, I mean, he was, until he didn't started doing drugs and illegal stuff. Then he became asshole. He seems like a good guy when he's not around her, but everything changes when he's alone or with his people. Niall and I have some history behind us that should be forgotten but every time I see him, I remember everything.
I snapped out of my thoughts when  I saw Niall's car parking in front of Ava's house.
And then Ava walked out and hugged Niall giving him kiss on the cheek.
They talked a bit and then they entered the car and headed over to school.

You're such a fool Harry.

I walked into a school building and saw Ava standing in front of her locker.
I walked to her to say hi but she walked over to class before I was able to reach her.
Well, I kind of expected that.

I walked into class and Ava was sitting next to Niall. He was sitting on my chair.

Ava's pov

As I was sitting in class, Niall came and sit next to me. To be honest, Niall and I became close and I liked that. He's a great guy. He told me he just moved here and he love it. He seems like a good person and he is actually.
He sat  on Harry's usual spot but I thought Harry wouldn't mind, I mean, it's just for one day.

Then I saw Harry walking into a classroom. He saw Niall sitting next to me and his face changed. He looked angry and sat behind us.
I didn't know how to act and I said hi to him
"Hey Harry!" I said.
"Hi." he said quietly.
" Is there something wrong? are you mad at me for some reason?" I asked him looking in his eyes. I could see he was sad.
"No, I'm actually okay. " he answered breaking the eye contact.
I turned around trying to pay attention to what Mr. Smith was talking about.

Harry's pov

"No, I'm actually okay. "I answered breaking the eye contact.
I lied.
No, Ava, I'm not okay.
Classes passed and bell rang for end of the school. Finally.
I started walking home when I heard someone calling me. I turned around and saw Ava running behing me. She reached me saying
"you went home without me? what kind of best friend are you?" she said dramatically gasping. I chuckled at her acting.
"well, I'm sorry" I laughed.
"you should be" she said laughed as well.
We started walking and we talked about our day, because we don't have that much classes together. Sadly, we only have math and art together.
As we reached our houses, we said bye to each other and I walked to my house.

:Authors note:
Hi everyone, or hi to 7 people who rode this ( thank you so much lol).
so, uum
yeah, this Is my first book, second chapter and it sucks already.
all jokes aside, my name is Julija and I'm 14. this may be cringe, or smut (hehe) or whatever AND I want to let ya all know that I FREAKING suck at writing stuff like this and this all started because I was bored :/
soo, enjoy reading, I will try to update more so this wouldn't flop ( I mean it's already flopping lmao) and yeah.
enjoy it, peace✌

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