part 3

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Ava's pov

As Harry and I said bye to each other, I turned around to see him, but he was already in the house.
I don't know what's up with him. He has changed since I'm hanging out with Niall.

But I don't see anything wrong in Niall. He's sweet, kind, and his laugh is cute. I enjoy in his company.

I walked into my house to see my dad standing in the kitchen, sipping coffee and reading news paper.

" Dad I'm home" I said as I kicked my shoes of my feet and walked up to him to hug him. My dad's name is James, James Franco.
My dad and I , we have this unbreakable father-daughter bond, since he's the only one I have since my mom died.
My dad is my hero, ever since my mom died, he was always there for me no matter what. He's a doctor and he spend most of his time at work but that's not stopping him from being there for me, always.

"Hi sweetie, how are you?" he said putting his cup down and smiling.
"I'm great, how bout you?"
"I'm good, I'm good"
" Great to hear that. I'll be upstairs, I'm here if you need anything"
I said as I walked upstairs.

"Ava wait" he said. I turned around and he was trying to hold his smile, but he failed.
"What's wrong, why are you smiling?"
I said with a confusion on my face.
"I have news for you." He said.

"Which news?" I said curious.
"Listen Ava, you know I love you more than anything else, I just want you to be happy and yours dreams to come true. And with the fact that you have two more weeks till summer break, I talked with your uncle and he said that you can come to his house in Toronto to see galleries and you can even do art there, for entire summer break! So what you think about that?"

My jaw dropped. There's no way that my uncle is going to let me in his gallery, no freaking way.
I was speechless. Entire summer.
I'm gonna miss my friends but this could help me in my future.

"Dad yes of course, why are you even asking me!" I said excited and run over to him and hugged him.

He laughed at my reaction and said
" Follow your dreams Ava, you won't get disappointed."

"I will and thank you so much dad,  you don't know how this mean to me!"
I run upstairs and called Harry.

"Hi Ava! What's up?"
"You won't believe this!"
"whoa wait what?"
"Yeah, isn't that amazing?"

Harry's pov

"Yeah, isn't that amazing?"

She's leaving. She's leaving this city. This country. She's leaving me. Me.

"Yeah I'm so happy for you Ava!"

I'm really happy for her but I'm gonna miss her so much.

"Yeah, this is literally best thing that happened today and ever! Do you want to hang out today so we can talk about it?"

I could hear the excitement in her voice.

"Yeah, sure, I'll pick you up at 7pm."
"Kay, bye loser"
"Bye boo"

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