Help me save myself

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Today was the day I stand in the woods not only for the second time but where everhthing happened .

Where I got killed , where the Cullens got kills , Where the wolves attacked , where my life became the new.

But now all I see is peace . The sun was out and the flowers were bloomed out . The big open field was no laonger a warzone but a battle field known for horrible memmories.

I normally would lay in the wet grass where the dew could be seen because it couldnt effect me but now .
After all I took for many people , that could get me sick.
"Bella " Alice came skipping forwards and stood infront of me.
"Please dont try it . I know what I saw and it isnt a good thing to try when you are now fragile to the world ". She stated and held out her hand .
"Alice it only crossed my mind . I wasnt going to do it at least not at the moment " I stated turning around on my feet almost slipping into the mud.
" stupid human feet" I mumbled and rolled my eyes.
" Besides visiting Jacob would be a perfect time before I leave for the Volturi" I stated walking off into the trees

Alice followed at her normal pace to keep up with me and sighed .
" I just dont want anything happen to you at all. Jasper would kill me and than you'll be in bigger trouble." Alice stated walking backwards.
" Look its just water , if I hit in a little bit of an angle and not tense up I'll be fine " I stated walking across the property line of Cullens.
" I maybe human but I'm not a stupid teenage girl " I stated walking up the stairs with alice behind me .

"Carlise" I stated as I walked in hearing him yell from his office .
I made my way to the hallway and walked in instead of knocking.
" whats up doc" I stated and hoppex into his office chair while he was digging around the cabnets into files.
"Trying to find somethis been on my mind sweetheart " he stopped and kissed the top of my head before continuing.
" whats up Bella what you needing hun."

"Well you see ever since I became a human again every single one of you guys been up all over me ." I said spining around in his chair for the 5th time .
"Bella" carlisle stopped the chair and I looked at him.
He crouched down infront me and smiled." Look sweetheart , we only are keeping you close so you cant get hurt and wont end up dead either . We care for you as in a family way and jasper love you to his death ." carlisle stated as I sighed .

" But I can take care of myself . I-I'm a big girl now you know . I know how to live on my own" I stated and he chuckled .
" Jasper told me that you arent eating .. "Carlisle said and I grunted.
" Fucking vampire " I stated and stood up.
" sorry but I know what I'm doing though , in the early years I wasnt like what I was. I maybe human but it take alot to learn" I stated before walking out .
"No going to Jacobs" carlisle called out and i yelled back.
"BET ME " I snapped back before running to the front door only to have cold arms wrap around me .
My feet left the ground abd wiggled around .
" I swear to the gods up there if you dont put me down" I hissed and I was tossed onto the couch .

Again Carlisle had crouched down infront of me ."Isabella " Carlisle stated and I narrowed my eyes.
"I get you are human but you do realise we vampires can and will protect you from eberything " he said with a stern look .
" meaning you arent going to jacobs " he stated.

" just because you and everone else are vampires dont meanshit carlisle." I was about to stand up but he sighed .
"Bella just listen to me please , dont go over to his we cant see whats going to happen or how things will end" carlisle said with a serious tone and stern one by that.
"But thats not fair " I stated and rolled my eyes.
" just because alice opened her pixie mouth doesnt mean you got to listen to her " I snapped and Alice was right behind Carlisle .

"Alice dont " Edward stated walking down the stairs .
" you out of all people know that being short doesnt make it right to call me a pixie" she snapped and I laughed rudely ..
"Oh grow an inch or two and shut up " I snapped and that was the end of that fight.
Alice jumped onto me full vampire speed and the couch went backwards with aloud banging sound.
"ALICE" Emmets voice rang through the room.
I was on top of alice and next thing I know I go flying into the air.
"Bitch" I snapped as I landed onto my feet almost falling over if carlisle wasnt there.

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