Family starts with no blood

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" I can't believe i was the one blamed for all those years , is that what they wanted me to see . Or the fact that i was the one that was called a ' Monster' out of all the years i was burning for 3 days and yet this was his fault. He never apologized and i just told the whole pack that i was sorry and apologized myself. Unbelievable. " Rambled on pacing back and forth in Jasper's den where people never comes into.

" Isabella --" Jasper tried cutting in but i rambled on.

" But no i called him out and i nailed him jasper ." I spun around almost smacking into him . " I nailed in good , Right in the jaw and drove my knee into his stomach then slammed him to the ground . He rolled in pain ." i stated yet Jasper was just watching me with a raised eye brow.

" But he controlled me , who does that ." i huffed and clasped down onto the couch onto my back. One leg hanging off the edge with my foot on the ground and held up hands up in the air.

" You done yet " Jasper asked standing up from his chair he was sitting on walking over to me ." No actually something strange happened . " i sat up moving over so he could sit down next to me .

" Whats that love " He asked and pulled me onto his lap hugging me.

" It was weird , i was running on the packs land. I ran out of breathe and for some reason i wasn't thinking but i was searching for my inhaler that i havent had a need for since years ago after being changed." i rested my head against his shoulder and sighed.

" i felt the warm sand , and the cold deadly water but flash backs keep happening every now and then. I don't even know whats happening to me anymore . Jasper , am i dying ?" I looked at him all serious and he shook his head.

" Love that's a question to ask Carlisle but im pretty sure thats not the case." He stated and i wrapped my arms around him. 

" But what if it is "I asked and shook my head.

"Well then lets go find a Carlisle and see what he says hun ." I sighed and kissed him lightly.

" Jasper , you do realize he's at the hospital . You can't go " i stated and stood up with him following right behind me .

" Who say's we have to go to a hospital . He's on break with Esme for a blood run " He winked and grapped my hand . 

" Come on " He took off yanking me with him .

.................................... The Meadow ---

" Jasper---jas - jasper stop i can't breath" I tried getting him to stop and soon he stopped looking at me all worried . 

I sat down onto the ground trying to catch my breath allover again. I shook my head as he sat down next to me giving me space so i can collect my breath .

" i ---  i can't" I stated and crunched up into a little ball . I started shaking and jasper though for a second.

" Bella relax and lay back " He pulled me back with him and laid back onto the meadows grass . " Close your eyes and take a deep breath then slowly let it out. think back to when we actually met . The day i met the those deep golden eyes , that ripped back dress . The water in the back flowing quietly as i introduced myself as ' Major '." His voice became so calm and i felt like i could breathe again.

" Jasper " I opened my eyes and looked up as Carlisle and Esme." Oh thank gawd" i stated and hopped onto my feet as jasper chucked .

" Hey i got you to calm down and breathe again." He stated and i shivered .

" It wasn't a great thing to remember as i was killed right after but right before that , that is what i call love at first meeting " i stated and turned to Carlisle .

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