Senior Researcher: Dr. Neam

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《Any personnel to find this document please return it to room 603 in sector D of the high security sector of site-04 - Dr. Hain.》

Personnel designation: senior researcher
Clearence level: 3
Personnel idenification code: SRN056

General info:

First name: [REDACTED]
Last name: Neam
Nicknames: 'Nemo' and 'Dr. N'


Mother: █████ Neam(status:deceased)
Farther: ████ Neam(status: deceased)
Siblings: N/A
Partner: N/A
Children: N/A

Date of birth: 12/04/██

{Superior: Dr. Hain}

{Squadrent designation: SR04A7047}


Hair colour: black
Eye colour: grey
Skin colour: white
Height: 5"10'
Weight: 463kg
Scars: Nea, has a scar that goes through his left eye and down to his chest and another that goes all the way around his neck.
Distinct features: Neam is always wearing the cloths: black tailered trousers a dark blue shirt and a white lad coat that goes down to his knees. Neam also limps slightly while walking, when comfronted about it he denies having a limp and says that you are merely seeing things.

Breif History:
Not much is known about Dr. Neam other than he was a single child born in England them he vanished, then he appeared at the foundation one day and landed himself a job as a junior researcher and quickly worked hos way up to being a senior researcher with a level 3 Clearence level.

Additional information:
Dr. Neam is one of the leading researchers on SCP-7047 and seems to have an obsession over the Yeterious. He spends most of his time either in his office, drinking or tryong to find leads on the Yeterious. Neam constantly interviews SCP-7047 and is quite open about his dislike of how the SCPs are treated. Due to this Dr. Neam is to be under constant surveillance and is to he tased if he gets violent, again.

《Neam is a bright lad but he just cares about thing too much, he used to assist sentient SCPs to breach containment, but that has stopped since he was assigned to my researching teach. Even though he has stopped allowing SCPs to breach containment he still see there treatment as 'inhumane'. The only reason that Dr. Neam hasn't been terminated or deomoted to Class-D is because he can find out nearly anything in a very short amount of time. -Dr. Hain》

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