Andrew Jones

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name: Andrew Jones
Age: 27
Occupation: unemployed
Eye colour: purple
Skin colour: white
Height: 5'8
Weight: 10lb
Appearance: Jones is a rather thin individual that always covers his face, usually with a full head ballistic helmet. He wears heavy body armour over an old modified military uniform. The right half of Jones' bottom jaw has been replaced with metal.
History: Jones was born into a family that could not support him and was later abandoned in an old ghost town, where he taught himself how to survive. He found his way back into society at the age of 18 and by 20 he had joined the army. He served in the army for four years,losing the right had of his lower jaw to a grenade blast. He then went off the grid and back to the ghost town he called home.
Likes: guns, being alone.
Dislikes: removing his helmet/having his helmet removed, large crowds, those of a military background, and mercenaries/hitmen.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 15, 2020 ⏰

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