Vampires 1

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Sam's POV

I have to record today, and I found and abandoned building. Apparently its 'haunted' and has 'vampires'.

But I don't think vampires exist, but I have to get ready and go. I put on my XPLR hoodie and a pair of black skinny jeans.

I had my camera in my back back along with my tripod, SD cards, a flashlight, and my mask.

I don't really give a fuck about what my neighbors think, I got some looks as I walked out the door.

Few minutes later

I got there, and the only thing I had to do was jump the fence and get in there.

I took of my backpack, and slid it through a hole that I can't fit through.

As I jumped the fence I cut my finger. It wasn't a bad cut, just bled a little.

I took out my flashlight and camera and stared to record, I turned on the flashlight, and continued my video.

I heard a noice, almost like footsteps. "I think something or someone's here." I whispered to the camera.

My flashlight started flicking, and my camera started dying. "What the hell??" I said.

My camera died, and I didn't bring a battery, so I put it in my backpack. It was one less thing I had to hold.

"Hello?" I called out. I saw a shadow figure of a tall man. "H-hello?" I called out to him.

He started walking towards me, I was against a wall. He was a man about 5'7. Brown hair bright blue eyes, and pretty tan.

His teeth were sharp. Vampires aren't real! What is that? It isn't human-. I thought.

"Oh vampires are real." He said, his voice was deep and he sounded hot.

What am I thinking? He's a vampire! "Mhmm." God what did you make? A vampire, or my new dad? I mean what!

"Your blood smells good." He said as he was in front of me. "W-what do you w-want from me?" I asked him nervous.

"Your blood." He said, there was no longer space in between our bodies.

Now my face was definitely red.

As he leaned down and bit my neck, I held back a yelp. I started to breath heavier as he sucked my blood. He licked my neck when he was done, and there wasn't any bite marks.

"Interesting.." He muttered to himself. "What's a kid like you doing around here anyway?"

"Uh-! For your information I'm 21! And second I came to explore this building." I replied.

"Alright whatever you say blondie.." He said as he stepped back from me.

"I-I have a name you know!" I said still red in the face.

"Well whatever your name is your still blondie.." He said smirking.

God, he's just standing there while I admire him, I can't keep my eyes off of him, I mean he could be stomping on me and i'd still think he's hot!

He stepped a little closer to me as he smirked, I guess he can read my mind

"Well, well blondie.. looks like someone can't help themselves.." He chuckled.

My face was definitely as red as a tomato.. why was this my life!

1 hour later

I was done exploring, even though my camera died it was fun to explore, I think i'll come back tomorrow and hopefully get to record a video.

Word count:569

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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