Chapter Eight-How things work around here

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Hello, this is the author speaking. This is a chapter explaining some of the world settings before things get too confusing. But you can scape this chapter if you only care about the plot.

So, first thing first, this is an alternate universe that's kind of like a fantasy RPG game that borrows setting MCU and the Ultimate-Spiderman cartoon.

These are some of the word/things/setting that is unique to this universe:

Mana-source of all magic;

Sorceress-Human that can generate their own mana and perform magic;

Core-the organ in sorceress's body generate mana. The science behind it is kind of like ironman's reactor but organic. It looks like a glowing ball of light, normally the size of a ping-pong ball. Its color will decide the sorceress's mana color.

Birth gift-some human is born with a special power that makes them above average. (In this case, Luke's unbreakable skin is his birth gift, Peter's spider power does not count because he got it after birth) The people who have these gift is rare;

"Of another reality" (adj)- People of Marvel acknowledge the existence of another reality. This expiration is used to describe anyone or things that are from another reality.

Author's note: I am not much of a physicist; I will describe what I am going to explain as well as I could.

In this story, Peter was 14 years old from Earth, the world you as a reader should be in right now. He got hit by a truck when he was 14 then reincarnate into a fantasy world called "Marvel" (get it, I think I am funny).

To visualize how world work, in this case, think about the way Earth and Asgard work in the movie, so like another planet.

If there is any confusion, please leave a common, I will answer your question as long as it does not spoil the plot.

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