His maid and her new life

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{Violet POV}

"My lady, please come back here".

You might be wondering who I am and where I'm going, well it's simple I'm Violet Rosemary Light and I have know idea where I'm going.
I'm sick and tired of taking orders from my dad.
I have to get married to someone I never met. Sure it might be a few years but I want to marry someone I truly care about.
As for where I'm going I don't know, but I have took enough money to find a place to stay until I get a job.

I ran ran and ran until I saw nothing behind me.

{Time skip}

I must have ran half way around London because I feel like I'm going to collapse. I walked down the streets and my eyes started to close slowly.
I had know idea what was going on around me until I hit something and fell to the ground.
"Hey watch where you're going"
I looked up and saw a young man around my age look down at me "Oh I'm so sorry" I said waving my arms around "It's fine" he said and continued walking.
I can slowly see him leaving with another tall man, without thinking I grabbed the boys arm.
"Let me go!" He said in a panic "Please take me with you, I'll do anything you tell me to do" I say hoping to find a place to stay for the night.
"I'll clean your house, make food, garden, anything I'll do it" I said to the boy, it looked like he had money just looking at his clothes. He let a sigh and looked at the taller man "Sebastian take this girl with us" yes my plan worked, I got up and followed them.
All this walking was making me so tired that I was going to fall at any second "My lady are alright" the tall butler asked in a kind voice "Yes I'm just tired" I said and smiled at him.
Finally after all that we came to a carriage and I got to sit down.
I tried to keep conversation with the boy but it was hard to keep my eyes open
"I will like to ask you're name if that's alright with you" he asked me "My name is Violet" I said not giving my last name "If it's alright can I ask you're name to" I asked him politely "I'm Ciel Phantomhive" I stopped and looked straight at him "Your the Phantomhive!" My father will kill me if he found me talking to a Phantomhive, he hated them for so long I don't think he knows why anymore.
I covered my mouth really fast "I'm sorry I had yelled so loud, I was just surprised" I said turning red it put the rose's in my dad's garden to shame
"It's important to know who I am now that you're my personal maid" I looked at him in shock.

End chapter
I had fun with this story, as you can tell Violet say's sorry a lot.

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