His maid's first day on the job

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{Ciel's POV}
I watched as the dart I through hit Finnie right in the head 

"Owww! Owww! Owwww!" He went running around and up to me

"What was that for master? What did I do?" He asked me

I give him no answer right then Sebastian walked in

{Violet's POV}
"Have you finished weeding the courtyard Finnie?"

"Mey-rin... have you washed all the bedding"

"Bardroy... shouldn't you be preparing for tonight's dinner?"

"Violet... you should be hanging the clothes out to dry"

"Tanaka... Well I suppose you're alright as you are"

"Now all of you... We have no time for thumb twiddling this morning... So get to work!"

"Eek!" I said running out the door before turning around and bowing

{Tiny time skip}
I was walking with all of the wet clothes when I saw Ciel

It was hard to carry all this but I can't look weak infront of my master

"H-hey Master!" I said stumbling over my words because of the clothes I was holding

He looked at me up and down

"Why not have Mey-rin help you carry that?" he asked me

"I promised you that I'd do anything that was needed just as long as I could stay here, I'm just keeping my promise" I smiled after saying that

"Interesting... Well don't let me stop you" see started to walk

"Yes Sir!" I took a few steps and tripped

"Woah!" All the clothes went flying out the basket

I closed my eyes getting ready for the impact when I felt someone putting me back on my feet

It was Sebastian! He grabbed all of the clothes and put them back in the basket like a flash of light

"Be careful next time Violet... we don't want you getting hurt now do we?"

"Wow... Oh thank you I'll be on my way!" I bowed my head and turned around

How did he do that?

"Violet!" I turned around to face Ciel

"Y- yes?"

"Nevermind" he turned around and continued walking... That was weird

I went to go do my job

{Time skip to night}

The guest was now having dinner with Ciel

Mey-rin was incharge of bringing and pouring the wine

She tipped the bottle and completely missed the glass!

Suddenly Sebastian ran in and swept the table cloth off like a flash of light


{Time skip}
"Oh I'm such a disappointment as a Phantomhive maid!"

I looked over at her

"What no your not, you just made a... mistake" I started sweating


My eyes shot up too see what it was

"Oh no the guest!" Mey-rin yelled and we ran over too him

"His leg is twisted backwards! I-I'll go get Sebastian I said running up the stairs

"Sebastian! Sebastian!!!" Where is he?

"Violet you were looking for me?" I crashed head first into Sebastian

"Sebastian the guest needs help!" He patted my head

"I've already dealt with it but thank you for telling me, I'll give some dessert later for your hard work today, ok?"

I smiled "Thank you Sebastian" I gave him a hug

"Your work is done for today, you can go to your room and I'll bring some Lemon meringue pie, is that to your liking?'

"Yup!" I walked down the long hallway and into the room they gave me me

Being a Phantomhive maid isn't that bad, it's actually kinda fun

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