His maid, special request

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{No one's POV}
"Bloody hell. This wire's done for" Bardroy started looking at the wire

"Oh not the rats again" Mey-rin said

"Is this a usual thing for you, if so what are you doing wrong?" Violet said tapping her cheek

Bardroy scratched his head and nodded "I mean I heard they'd been plaguing London lately, but I never expected them to be such a problem this far out of the city"

Then a rat walked infront of the four workers "Ahh!" They all said

Finnie picked up a small piller with a sculpture on top and through it at the rat hitting everywhere except the rat

"Looks like it got away hee-hee!"

"I'll go see if we have anything that will help" Violet said getting up and walking away

{Violet's POV}
I walked down the hall looking for some more rats untill Finney ran right past me
"THERE! THERE'S ANOTHER ONE!" Finney yell right infront of the door where the guests are

"Finney be quiet we have guests over!" ... Bloody hell I just yelled that infront of the door

*Sigh" everyone must have heard me

I continued walking down the hall latter seeing a little rat


I snuck up behind the rat making sure it doesn't notice me and I jumped after it

When I hit the floor I checked if I got the rat, but when I looked it must have gotten away

"Bloody hell" I punched the ground

Suddenly I hear someone clear their throat from behind me

I slowly turn my head hoping that it wasn't Ciel, sadly it was he was also followed by three people I don't recognize

"Violet why are you on the floor?" Ciel asked

"I- ugh... there was a rat but it got away... sorry for disturbing you" I explained while getting up

Soon the lady dress in all red chimed in

"Oh look how adorable this girl is! Ciel why didn't you tell me you had another maid?" She asked hugging me
I hugged her back because she seems like a nice lady

Ciel cleared his throat "Madame Red this is Violet, we found her on the street and she practically begged me to take her with us" he said with a sly smile on his face

Not gonna lie... It was kinda cute

"You poor girl! Why were you you on the street in the first place? Actually wait come talk with us"

My eyes widened "Oh no I can't impose on your get together, I'm just a maid" I said backing away slowly

"Ha nonsense darling!" She grabbed my arm "Madame Red wait a minute Violet has work to be do-"

The lady cut him off again "Not until we find out this young ladies story"

{Mini time skip}
After a few minutes of arguing and walking around the house we got to the original room the guests were supposed to meet in

"So Violet mind if we ask you a bit if questions?" Madame Red asked

I blushed slightly because no one ever wants to learn about me

"Ummmm... Ok, but if the question makes me feel uncomfortable I'll pass the question and I also have to ask one question" I looked away

"Of course sweety, what's your questions?" I looked pointed at the man across from me with a lady on his lap

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