Chapter 1: The Boy's Smile and the Deity's Smirk

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A little boy around ten years old walked calmly uphill, a crimson red umbrella tightly clutched in his small hands. His eyes were bright and innocent, looking at them would make you feel like there's absolutely no pain in the world. However, when he smiled? The world just glowed. Paired with the beauty mark just below his lip, the child was already shining with beauty.

In the mountainous Chongqing, a little boy named XiaoZhan found himself growing slowly along with the trees and the flowers.

There's one other thing you should know about his eyes other than the fact that it can captivate any other human being, it's the fact that these eyes can see things that normal people can't.

"Little boy... little boy, look here. Look here."

Xiaozhan's smile became strained as he will himself not to look into the direction of that voice. His grip on the handle of his red umbrella tightened, and his walk uphill became faster. "Little boy... Little boy..."

The ten-year-old began to sweat, his smile disappearing when he realized that the voice was only a few meters behind him.

"LITTLE BOY!" it was right behind him.

With a precision that can only come from practice, XiaoZhan released his red umbrella and faced it towards the thing behind him.

His umbrella was special, something that his grandmother specially made just for him. It was covered with different seals that were designed to repel evil beings.

In one bright flash, the ghost disappeared with a screech.

The little boy panted, sweat dripping from his forehead as he looked on at the place where the ghost previously stood. He lowered his umbrella after he was completely sure that there was nothing there.

This time he was safe.

XiaoZhan closed his umbrella and wiped his sweat, smile completely gone from his features.

"Even If the rest of your family says that you and I are crazy, at least we have each other." His grandmother gently whispered as she caressed his head. "Be careful wherever you go, ZhanZhan. Your blood is something that evil wants... as much as possible never ever let yourself bleed."

Although his grandmother was no longer with him, Xiaozhan has always kept her words to heart. He put his little hands inside of his pocket to make sure that his collection of Band-Aids was still there. He sighed in relief when he confirmed that they were.

"That's a fancy little umbrella you have there." 

XiaoZhan whipped his head back to see a man with sharp features. In his hands, a black umbrella with a deep wooden handle.

"Who are you?" the young boy asked. Was it another ghost?

"I am someone aspiring to be a God." The man was handsome, his eyes were kind, but his smile seemed empty.

The road was empty. The only thing surrounding them were trees and plants. No one would be there to hear him shout for help.

XiaoZhan opened his umbrella fast and faced it towards the suspicious man, but there was no effect. "It didn't work..." he whispered to himself.

"Of course it didn't. Your umbrella is far too weak to work against someone like me." The man tapped the ground twice with his umbrella and suddenly a burst of power came.

XiaoZhan had to close his eyes and cover from the sheer tenacity of it. When the wave was done, his eyes sparkled and he yelled, "Let's switch umbrellas!"

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