Chapter 16: Returning to the Heavens

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During the exact moment that Yibo felt XiaoZhan's heart stop beating, the human's body disappeared along with his blood. It faded away into golden mists, leaving Yibo to hug only emptiness in his arms.

From where ZanJin was hidden, the God smiled at the Deity of Destruction. "A shame..." he turned to the demon hunched over beside him and said, "Haikuan? Come. It's time for you to receive your reward."

Haikuan raised his head to look through the mist screen's image, his heart tightening in sympathy at the picture of Yibo shaking silently as he hugged himself in the darkness.

The demon couldn't help but stare at the scene. It seemed so familiar to him. Yes. This had also happened thousands of years ago, but this time, the roles have been switched. It wasn't Yibo who had killed ZuoCheng, but instead, it was Haikuan who had killed XiaoZhan.

Haikuan should feel satisfied. After all, he had finally given his enemy a taste of what he had done all those years ago. However, he was feeling none of that. There was only a feeling of shame.

He may have not been fond of XiaoZhan during the early years, himself seeing the human only as a weapon to be used against Yibo, but as time went by things changed. XiaoZhan was a human like he was once before. He was a kind human who worked hard despite his difficulties, and although he didn't trust Haikuan before, XiaoZhan was one of the first who didn't hold the fact that he was a demon against him.

Yibo... Haikuan had considered him as his enemy. That was true. He hated Yibo more than anything else in the world, and honestly, that thought still stood, but now that he looked at that same mischievous God now wallowing in misery at the loss of his lover... Haikuan was far from the feeling of satisfaction.

He was the one who ruined their love. He was the one that ruined their chance of ever being together. Unlike ZuoCheng who was a human that could reincarnate, XiaoZhan was a being made from the heavens and because of that, he wouldn't be reborn.

"Haikuan?" ZanJin tilted his head, his hands coming over his chest. "Are you coming?" he asked. Haikuan said nothing as he stood up to follow after the God.

However, if you asked Haikuan if he regretted his actions, he would say without any hesitation that he didn't. There was nothing to regret. Haikuan had already done countless shameless things at the order of heaven, and this was all because he had to do it to break ZuoCheng's curse.

Although he was sorry for what had become of XiaoZhan and Yibo's love, Haikuan was sure that if he could go back he would do the same thing. There was nothing more important to him than ZuoCheng's happiness.


Gone. He was gone just like that and Yibo wasn't able to do anything about it. He was powerless. What was the point of being a God when he couldn't use his power to keep XiaoZhan alive?

Yibo felt like he couldn't breathe. He heaved in deep breaths in between his sobs, sounding like a suffocating madman, but it didn't feel like oxygen was making it to his lungs at all. To think he could feel things like this even as a deity. The world around him didn't seem to matter anymore. All of it was irrelevant.

The darkness closed around him, making Yibo feel claustrophobic. It was suddenly so cold. So, so cold. His mind was a chaotic mess—a buzzing frenzy born from the deafening silence around him.

He couldn't breathe. He couldn't see. He couldn't hear.

It was loud. Too loud. His heart. His mind. His screams.

Yibo hunched over, kneeling on the floor. He must look like a mess right now. Sobbing insanely with his hands clenched over his heart.

He felt it. He felt the deal of their promise disappear along with XiaoZhan's presence. From now on, there will be nothing to bind him to XiaoZhan. There was no one to call his name like XiaoZhan would anymore. He was gone. Gone from this world.

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