Chapter 4: I Love You

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The golden flower field disappeared and suddenly they were back where they started. The sky was dark, the stars not visible. There was only one street lamp but XiaoZhan could clearly see the face expression of the Deity that was in front of him. It was hard not to see when he was literally on top of him and too close. The painting that cursed them burned away in green flames.

The thing is, the deity was just staring.

"D-deity?" XiaoZhan called uncertainly.

It was then that XiaoZhan noticed that the tips of the deity's ears were burning red and that his eyes held a sparkling shine. Did... did it work?

The deity placed a hand on his chest and swallowed, eyes never leaving XiaoZhan's during the short process. Then, he says:

"Oh God, you're so beautiful..."

XiaoZhan choked on air.


A cafe was made for quiet studies for when a student wanted to write their homework in a comfortable space. It was a place for casual chitchat and catching up with old friends. It was a place to drink something warm and relax. That's what it was made for-- not for... well...

"Why the FUCK am I in love with you!?"

XiaoZhan lowered his head and held his cup of coffee, a little self-conscious because the deity in front of him really didn't seem to care if the people around started staring.

The deity had a livid expression, hands still in his pockets despite sitting down. XiaoZhan couldn't help but notice that the other had a habit of always spreading his legs comfortably when sitting (always ready for someone to sit down on em EYYY).

"Do you hate me this much!?" XiaoZhan did hate him, but he did this out of his desperation to live and not because of his hatred. He wasn't the type to act on hate alone.

XiaoZhan kept his facial expression blank. He took another sip of his coffee and observed the deity in front of him.

The deity clicked his tongue in annoyance. "I won't be able to eat you this way!" He really should keep his voice down.

"That's good news," XiaoZhan says, interrupting the deity's complaining streak. "You'll finally be able to complete the promise that you abandoned 18 years ago."

The deity crossed his arms and tried to glare at XiaoZhan, but after a while, it melted into a look of pure love. In a moment of realization, the deity shook his head and looked away, continuing to glare at another direction. "What is this necklace exactly? Where did you get it?"

"This necklace binds you to me. You're now in love with me because I was the one who kind of gave it to you... although you actually took it." XiaoZhan huffed. "It's... only able to activate if I..." the human looked away uncomfortably.

The deity perked up and looked back. "It was because of the kiss, wasn't it?" He stood up and leaned over the table trying to get closer. "I don't think it worked. I think you need to kiss me again just to make sure it does--" he was about to land his lips but XiaoZhan pushed his face away red and flustered.

"What are you doing!? We're in public!" XiaoZhan whispered as he covered his face from the other customers.

"I'm doing this because I love you now!" The deity yelled without any shame at all. "Take responsibility! You are the one who did this to me! Now, come on. Kiss me--" XiaoZhan used enough strength to push him back to his seat.

"Shut up! I can't believe you!" Embarrassed, XiaoZhan left his coffee and chair to leave the cafe.

"You can't leave now--" the deity followed. When they exited the establishment, the deity grabbed XiaoZhan's wrist. "My heart hurts at the thought of you leaving-- fuck. I hate it. Please don't go. I'm sorry!"

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