Chapter 6

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A broom fell, colliding into a dustpan made of tin for a loud resounding crash. The young man whose fingers had just swiped empty air in a failed attempt to catch the broom now stood hunched slightly over but dead still, holding his breath as labored words raced out from betwixt his clenched teeth, "Please don't wake up, please don't wake up, please d—-" The sound he feared was ominous in the empty kitchen, the light creek of hinges and a locking mechanism to a door handle settling into the notch in the frame. Light spilled down the hall as the sound of claws clicking against hard wood rattled down the hall. His instincts screamed as his fight or flight tried to take over. He was dead in the water and he knew it. He felt the cold nose of a small animal lift the leg of his pants at the ankle and it sniff at his sock. A low growling came slowly grumbling louder and louder. The man encountering him seemed just as confused by his presence. He looked in the guard's eyes and swallowed the pit in his throat, barely hearing the man give the dog a command. His arms raised to cover and embrace his own neck and head, just in time too as he felt the teeth sink into his bicep and the heavy falling weight of the dog tore him from his feet to the ground. The powerful animal scrubbed the floor with him, shaking it's head some and dragging him, leaving a smear of blood on the finish below. The guard had no intention of calling off the dog as he reached and unhooked the leash from it's collar, seeming to then just leave back to his room and let the dog handle the situation. He just remembered losing consciousness not long into the grueling and merciless attack.

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