Q&A Session 2: Scout

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Scout: Yo, wassup Wattpad. It's ya boy, Scout and I'm gonna answer some questions for you. Let's get going.


Q: Are you a professional baseball player?

Scout: Well, depends on how you define "professional." I mean, I'm pretty good at baseball and even used to participate in baseball leagues when I was little. However, I stopped seriously playing baseball a long time ago. I mean, I'm no Babe Ruth and I'm definitely not gonna get into any leagues in the near future.

Spy: Pretty good? More like pretty SHIT! AHAHAHAHAH-

Scout: *Throws baseball bat at Spy* SHUT UP!



Q: How are things at home with your mom?

Scout: Couldn't be any better. We get along really good. Mom's gotten a lot happier now that she hooked up with a new boyfriend. I haven't met him yet, but I'm happy for her.


Q: You do realize your mom's new boyfriend is Spy, right?

Scout: HAHAHA! Don't make me laugh! Mom would never date a shithead like that French bastard.

Scout's mom: Hi, honey. I brought my new boyfriend home so you can meet him.

Scout: Oh, shit, that's cool-




Q: How fast can you run?

Scout: Why, I'm the fastest thing on my team! I'm like a blur. Nothing can run faster than me, that's a fact.

Sonic the Hedgehog: *Heavy breathing*

The Flash: *loads shotgun* IS THAT SO?

Scout: Oh sh...


Q: How does Bonk taste like?

Scout: Uh, it tastes like lemonade dipped in lightning. Or something like that.


Q: How much do you hate Spy? From 1-10?

Scout: Oh, I give that bastard a fat 20/10! He's always sneaking around stabbing people! And he's dating my mom!


Q: Do you think your mom will marry Spy one day?

Scout: Read my text. Mom's gonna dump that asshole in a week, tops. She wouldn't marry that douchebag.

Spy: Hello, Scout. Or should I say... SON?

Scout's mom: We're getting married!



Q: What is your favorite food?

Scout: Man, I love pancakes. Especially when you add syrup? It's freakin' heaven on a plate.


Q: What music genre do you like to listen to?

Scout: I'm a big fan of rock n' roll. In fact, my favorite band is the The Rolling Stones.

Spy: *lets loose a bunch of rolling boulders on Scout*


Spy: What? I thought you were a fan of rolling stones? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


Q:  If you could be a different class, what would you pick?

Scout: I would be a Heavy. Sure, he's fat and slow, but the guy's a freakin' powerhouse. 

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