"An Unexpected Visit" Part 3

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Yiren opens the door and see someone really tall standing in front of her, she looks up but she doesn't seem to recognize the person.

                                Yiren: Umm...Hi, how...can I help you?

                              Unknown person: Oh, hi little girl...How are you?

                              Yiren: I'm fine...thanks...do you need anything?

                             Unknown person: Oh, I'm sorry. My bad...Well, yeah. You know. I'm a specialist, more like a doctor and i'm going to every home from the neighborhood to check the children about your age, that is, to see if they are well, healthy, if they eat well, if they are tall and give them a result, so continue to improve their health.

Yiren: Oh, I see...that's a really good thing that your doing.

Unknown person: Thank you, is any adult with you at home?

Yiren: Well...hmm...no, that's why I think that maybe you could come back when my mother comes back.

Unknown person: That's okey, don't worry. You know, this is for free because I want every children to be healthy and it only takes a few minutes to ckeck them out. Would you give me the change to ckeck you out?

Yiren doesn't know what to answer and stays silent for a moment...when then she answer.

Yiren: I'm a little bit scare, you sure it will be only few minutes?

Unknown person: Yeah, of chourse and don't worry! I'll go as soon and I finish. What's you name?

Yiren: Yiren...and...Hmm...Okey...So, what do I have to do?

Unknown person: Yiren...What a beautiful name you have!!...Well, it's hard to ckeck on you here in your living room. Do you have any other place?

Yiren: Yeah...but there's a sofa close to the tv, can't it not be there?

Unknown person: Yeah, sure...no problem.

Yiren let's the person get into his house.

*Inside the house*

Unknown person: You have a beautiful house!

Yiren: T...thanks...

Unknown person: Okey, first let me ckeck your height.

Yiren gets close to the unknown person and he takes his height. Yiren feels umconfortable.

Unknown person: Don't be shy, I will finish soon as I promise...Okey the next thing to do is to watch how much how much do you weigh. Stand in here.

Yiren stands in the weight machine.

Unknown person: I'm so proud of you...Your weight is really good...and you know something else, you're so beautiful.

Yiren is suprise by the words of the unknown person.

Yiren: Umm...is it everything already?, I mean it's getting a bit late and...I have to-

The unknown person doesn't let Yiren to end up talking and starts to get close to her, little by little...step by step when they are already so close that Yiren is so shocked to even scream or say a word...

*The house stays all silent...*

-20 minutes later-

Unknown person: Okey...I should get going. We have already finish with everything and I must say i'm really proud of you more than all the childs I have ckecked on before. 

- The unknown person tries to touch Yiren's cheek but Yiren back off...

Unknown person: I'm going now, take care so much and keep being as healthy as now! Okey...Yiren? *Says smiling at her*

Yiren has tears on her eyes and is totally sad.

The Unknown person waves bye from the front door and Yiren closes the door slowly when suddenly she falls down in front of the door and she throens herself on the flor to cry without stoping...

*10 minutes later...*

Yiren is still on the floor when she hears someone knock the door again. She feels so scare that she takes her tears again fast and doesn't want to open the door.

Yiren's mom: Hunnie, Can you open the door? We're back! 

Yiren feels relieves when she realizes it's her mother and sister at the door but is still scares, so she tries to call down to don't worry her mom and sister.

Yiren's mom: Yiren...Are you there? Probably she's sleeping.

Yiren opens the door.

Kieran: Hey, youuu!! I already was missing you a lot *says hugging Yiren tight* Did you miss us??

Yiren smiles a little and nods her head yes.

Yiren's mom: Come here Hunnie. I missed you... *Says kissing Yiren*

-At the living room-

Kieran: Yiren, look! I bought you a set of clothes, I know we said we were going to the supermarket but this was perfect for you, so I couldn't resist to buy it!!, you know what you told me you like and we also brought chocolate, with among many other things.

While Yiren's mother is taking all the things out from the bags and putting them in the fridge Yiren tooks her notebook from the table on the living and a pen so she writes something on it and shows it to her sister.

Yiren's noterbook: *Kieran I need to talk to you without mom knowing about it...*

Kieran reads what Yiren has wrote and is kinda confuse but she tooks the noterbook and writes in it, then she bring it back to Yiren.

Yiren reads it *Okey...I'll tell mom we need to do something*

Yiren looks at Kieran and nods her head understanding.

Kieran: Mom...Yiren says that there's something interesting about his book that she wants to show me and also wants my help for something of her homework so we will come back later for dinner. Is that okey?

Yiren's mom: But I thought you would both help me putting the things on the  fridge.

Kieran: I'm sorry, mom. You know how important is school for Yiren. We will help you next time.

Yiren's mom: Okey...You can both go. I'll call you both for dinner.

Kieran: Thanks mom, we love you!

Kieran and Yiren both go to Yiren's room...

"Your Mirror Eyes..."Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora