"I just want everything to stop..." Part 18

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*Next day morning*

-Yiren and Kieran wake up and prepare to go back to school, both of them way bye to her mom from the front door and start walking outside.

At the walk at school:

Kieran: I guess I'm the only one who is unhappy to come back...

*looks at Yiren*
*Yiren nods*
Kieran: Okey, I'll survive...as long as I got to see you after school¡

'Few minutes later-

Kieran and Yiren wave goodbye to each and get inside class.

At Yiren's class:
Teacher: I'm so glad to see you all after summer break. I hope you had the rest that you all deserve and now I would love to see your writings. The homework I asked you all before holidays.

*everyone look at each other*
Teacher: Yeah, that's right¡ don't think I forget it, so please everyone, put your writing on my table now.

*Some people start walking and leaving their writings while others don't*

Girl from classmate: Omg¡ really?¡ Yiren hasn't leave her writing. I guess she dissapointed you this time, miss.

Teacher: Enought, Kira¡
*Bell rings and everyone goes to free time*

Yiren's teacher go to Yiren's table.

Teacher: Yiren...what's wrong? I believe in you. You made the writing, right? *looking at Yiren*

*Yiren starts writing on her phone and shows it to her teacher*

"I did, but...It has my deepest thoughts and things. I write something that I prefer not to ask of and I don't it to be read by anyone but you...if not, I don't think I could give it to you"

Teacher: I totally understand, Yiren. I won't let anyone reads it. I will read it and give it back to you once i'm done.

*Yiren gaves her teacher her writing*

Teacher: Thank you, Yiren...
Yiren stands up and starts walking outside.
Teacher: Are you going for free time now?
*Yiren nods yes to her from the door and goes outside*

*Yiren goes and sit alone in a bank to eat and the girls that bothered her come back*

One of the girls: Well...look what we got here, after all. You're back¡, it's amazing¡. Are you idiot or you don't understand English? I had enought from you. I'm gonna have to give you a lesson.

*The girl push Yiren in the floor close to the stairs and Yiren gets her face hurt*

The other girl: Look at her¡¡, you hurted her and she's not even crying¡

Girl: It's because she knows what will happend if she says what happend on her face.

*The girls start walking away but then the girl who hitted her turns around.

Girl: Oh...and It's the beggining...I'm not joking. Better go...and you will have to know what's true pain.
*starts walking away*

*Yiren stands up slowly cause she's weak and she goes to her class, as no one is inside she decides to take her things and leave the school. She goes out from a part back of the school where no ones sees her*

*Few minutes later*

Yiren gets into her house, she's relieves she had the key instead of Kieran so she gets inside and wash her face but it still keeps bleeding. She tries to find something to put in but doesn't find anything, so she stays on the stairs crying.

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