Prologue and Summary

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- I dunno why the title is called Practical Jokes.... I just needed a title.....

- I hate my stories cause they be cringey af xD

- I don't mind positive or negative criticism! Just tell me how I can do better!

- I read the manga, watch the anime, (way ahead of the anime) but still can't seem to get some characters' personalities. So tell me if I got it wrong or right

- Thank you so much! 


With two of the years done and one more to go, you find yourself more stressed than ever before. Not only is this your last year at U.A. , but you are also forced to move back to the U.S. if you want to continue onto the medical route**. However, despite these concerns you bear, there's another issue at hand--it's your last year at U.A. and Mirio wants you to remember it. Ever since you met Mirio and Tamaki at the beginning of your first year, Mirio has plagued you with his practical jokes. And despite your awareness of his quirk, it always catches you off guard, especially when he activates it at random times. This year he'll step up his game, knowing full well that he will not be able to see you as often in the future, if not at all.

**The reasons why Reader has to go back to the U.S. are due to her father's job requiring him to come back to the States along if she wants to continue pursuing her dream. In that case, she'd be required to study in the States cause her parents will be financially supporting her and knows she's socially awkward and doesn't want anything to happen to their awkward baby. But mostly due to financial reasons like paying for housing/rent, education, medical bills--especially if she does hero work along with studying--overseas accommodations for a foreigner, etc.


Having had moved to Japan before the beginning of 9th grade due to your father's occupation, you found yourself more alone in a foreign country than you had ever before. You, with little to no experience with Japanese culture nor the language, struggled to learn the language and socialize. Maintaining good grades wasn't that difficult--if it revolved around English or mathematics--with the help of your father who knew Japanese through work. Socializing, of course, proved to be rather difficult since you were home schooled your entire life with the goal to enter the medical field one day. And despite your strength in academics, you rendered as an awkward book worm among your peers, though this wasn't new for you since you didn't have many friends at home.

Over the course of time, your parents would notice signs of a mental disorder, one known as general anxiety. At first it didn't seem like a big deal. Kids get anxious and that's normal. It was when that very same anxiety would inhibit your cognitive abilities, making life more difficult than it should be. Socializing not only became awkward, but terrifying to you. That is until you met a girl named Hadō Nejire during your second semester in Junior High. The two of you immediately became friends. Like a puzzle piece, you two fit well with each other. She asked the questions, you answered them; you came off as socially awkward, she came off as sociable; you're timid and jumpy around others, she's level-headed; you worry about frivolous things while she wonders about frivolous things. Whenever you started to ruminate, Nejire would find a way to null its effect on you, whether it'd be by distracting or listening to what you had to say. A year later you find yourself in a better spot than the year before.

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