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It was first-period history class when Meredith first met Ashely.  She stood in front of the classroom, a new student in the middle of the school year, as the teacher introduced her.  Meredith was too busy admiring Ashely's feature to pay attention to the teacher.  There was Ashely with her long brown hair with blonde highlights and green eyes.  It was Ashely's eyes that got her attention, and the little slit on her left eyebrow.  Meredith could feel her heart drop, and she knew that she wanted to marry Ashely.  This had to be the girl.

"Meredith, are you listening?  Can you help Ashely?" said the teacher

"Uh, yes sir," Meredith responded sitting up straight as Ashely walked over and took the seat in front of her.

"So, you are Meredith, I'm guessing," Ashely said.

Meredith could feel Ashely squeezing her in a hug, "Good morning beautiful," she whispered.  Meredith rolled over to stare straight into Ashely's eyes, her once long brown hair cut short into a pixie cut.

"Good morning, adorable," Meredith responded before kissing Ashely.  Ashely smiled as she pulled away and sat up on the bed that squeaked.  Meredith looked up at Ashely, admiring her beauty.  Ashely sighed and laid back down, "I don't want to leave the bed today, but the world calls for me with these stupid things called responsibilities," she said with an overdramatic tone and the palm of her hand on her forehead.  Meredith laughed, "Yes, but who else will serve the Karens at the local Starbucks."  Ashely rolled over looking at Meredith, "Maybe I can call out sick, it shouldn't be a big deal.  I do have the day off," Ashely smiled cheekily at Meredith.  Meredith scoffs in response as she grabs a pillow and hits Ashely with it.  Ashely grabs a pillow and hits Meredith with it as well.  The two laugh, everything perfect in this moment.  The stress of the world out of their minds.

Meredith sat at the kitchen table, she was on the laptop looking at wedding dresses.  Her fingers tapped nervously on the table, unsure of which one would be perfect.  She glances down at the ring on her finger, the excitement was overwhelming, but the day had to be perfect.  "Hey, adorable!  Come here!" Ashely's pitter-patter could be heard as she ran into the room and jumped behind Meredith,

"I was called?"

"Yeah, I was thinking, our theme is fantasy wonderland.  So, do I get a ball gown dress or a mermaid?  I do want the fluff, but I don't want it to be in the way of dancing, kissing, eating, hugging, kisssing-"

"Well personally, I think you look cute in anything."

"That does not help me!"

The two remained silent for a moment. 

"I can always call my mom and ask," Ashely stated.  It was a sour subject for Meredith.  Like many people part of the LGBTQ+ community, she never gained her parent's approval.  She was kicked out when they learned about her sexuality.  She was lucky that Ashely's parents were approving and welcoming.  They heard about Meredith getting kicked out relatively quickly and offered a hand to her.  They did not care if Ashely and her were dating.  They were more worried about Meredith's wellbeing.  "Not like you are going to make her pregnant," Ashely's mom would say whenever someone complained about the two living in the same house.

Meredith looked over at Ashely, "Yeah, I would like that."  Ashely smiled before kissing Meredith on the cheek.  

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