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There was an unusual empty spot on the queen size bed this morning when Meredith woke.  Ashely was already staring out of the window of the oversized hotel room.  Today was the day they will say their vows and make it official.  Meredith was going to get rid of her last name and replaced it with Ashely's.  Meredith Palmer had a nice ring to it.  Meredith sat up in the bad and just stared at Ashely, "Hey adorable," she said.  Ashely turned around smiling cheekily, "Why, yes hello.  Today is a marvelous day!  Don't you think," she said jumping onto the bed and hugging Meredith.  Both of the girls began to laugh, both happy in this moment.  A knocking on the door both stopped their laughter, "Who is it?" Meredith called out.  There a moment of silence, "Your mother in law dear, we have to get ready!"  Ashely and Meredith stared at each other and climbed out of the bed.  That was the bad thing about wedding they had to be separated at some point.  The two tried their best to keep this from happening, not wanting them to have to be apart for even a second.  In fact, they had their bachelorette party together.  Ashely was always superstitious and knew that she should not see Meredith in her wedding dress.  She thought that it would bring bad luck, but she would always cover it up, "I just want to be surprised!"  Meredith knew better though.

Ashely waved bye, "I'll see you soon gorgeous!"

Meredith could only watch as Ashely left the room.  She turned around to see Mrs. Palmer, holding a bag that contained their wedding dress.  Mrs. Palmer smiled and hugged Meredith.  "Oh, I am so excited for you two." she said.  Meredith looked at Mrs. Palmer and noticed the tears in her eyes, "Don't cry!  You'll make me cry!" Meredith exclaimed.  Mrs. Palmer still smiled as she wiped her tears away, "I know, I am just happy."

Meredith was never one for patience.  She constantly had to be doing something or was always multitasking.  When she was scanning on Pinterest for wedding ideas she had Spotify playing music. She had to get up every fifteen minutes while she was getting her makeup done.  The makeup artist would grumble every time she moved her head and began to talk.  "I'll have to leave a bad review." she thought glancing over at her phone that felt tempting.  She wanted to talk to Ashely about the makeup artist.  The artist, in his defense, was doing an amazing job.  She loved how the makeup looked but hated his personality.  "Look at that!  We are done!" he said stepping back and shoving a mirror into Meredith's hand.  He was right though, it was done and looked amazing.  Meredith felt like a princess. "Thank you," she said.

"I used waterproof makeup, so if you start crying you won't make a mess of it.  Congrats on getting married by the way.  I do not get to do a lot of wedding make up looks."

"Oh, yeah.  Waterproof does sound like a good idea.  I don't cry often, but I might break that two-year streak today." Meredith said in a joking manner, but no one laughed.  Mrs. Palmer looked over at Meredith, tears were in her eyes.  Mrs. Palmer always was emotional about these kinds of things.  "Oh you look precious!" she exclaimed giving Meredith another hug.  Meredith laughed returning the hug, "Now let's put on my dress."

Meredith was not expecting this.  She was not sure if she was nervous or excited or both.  Her hands shook as she looked in the mirror.  Everything was perfect.  Mrs. Palmer stood next to her a hand on her shoulder.  "You look amazing."  Meredith stayed silent, she felt like crying.  "Oh, now don't cry!"  Meredith couldn't hold it back any longer.  Tears of joy feel down her cheeks and she laughed.  Today was perfect and soon she will soon be Meredith Palmer.

Meredith always paced when she was nervous, so she was confused as to why she was doing it now.  The piano music was playing and soon she would walk out.  She closed her eyes imagining Ashely standing at the altar decorated with lavenders.  She jumped hearing her cue and began to walk out.  All eyes were on her and everyone was standing.  People awed in her beauty.  She didn't notice that though, her eyes meet Ashely.  Ashely was in a suit.  Her tie a lavender color and her suit white.  They both thought wearing white would be the best choice.  As Meredith began making her steps towards the alter a scream broke her focus on Ashely.  She turned around to see her makeup artist running from a crazed man, matching him in speed.  Only the makeup artist tripped and was tackled by the crazed man. 

The crazed man sat on top of the makeup artist, who still was screaming.  He was screaming for help as the man bite down on his neck and ripped his flesh.

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