You Love Her - Bucky x Reader

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It was cold in New York. But not as cold as Siberia. Not as cold as being in cryogenic sleep. These were Bucky's thoughts as he carried two Styrofoam cups of takeout coffee back to his apartment building. November had brought a chill to the city like no other. The brisk wind carrying fallen leaves across the pavement as he weaved his way through early morning commuters. He wore a black glove on his left hand, still not comfortable with the stares of strangers as they passed by. The heat from the coffee in his hands warms him as he approaches his street.

The door to the apartment building is slightly ajar as he approaches it.

"Typical." Bucky mutters under his breath as he pushes it open with his shoulder, then closes it gently with his foot. Before heading towards the stairwell, he collects the mail. A singular letter which is clearly nothing of interest. He places the envelope between his teeth and proceeds to carry the coffee with him up the stairwell. Approaching his apartment door, he is overcome with a sense of happiness, something that only comes with being within the presence of Y/N.

Y/N. His beautiful, sweet Y/N. Never had Bucky felt so alive, so weightless than when he was with her. Everything he had done as The Soldier, everything he had done in his past, was insignificant compared to her. With her he was happy.

They had met in Wakanda, where she had transferred before the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D, to work alongside Princess Shuri. Y/N was assigned to help Bucky once he had come out of his cryogenic sleep. It was during their time together that Bucky learnt what it was like to feel cared for again. What it felt like to be loved again.

Bucky had been out of cryogenic sleep for several months, with Y/N helping him daily with his progress. Helping him return to civilisation, slowly but surely it was working – but there were days where he withdrew into himself. Like today.

"Sergeant Barnes." He was sat looking out onto the veranda, his hair tied back into a messy braid at the back of his head – the local children insisted that they tie it up. He agreed only to please them, it was better than cutting his hair he thought. Y/N sat down next to him, bumping his elbow with hers as she settled down. "How are you feeling today?" He refused to make eye contact, to even turn his head to face her. Something was wrong. "James." She took his hand gently, running her fingertips over the lines of his knuckles and slowly down to his wrist. "Please, you can talk to me." He swallowed and then turned his body slightly towards her.

"How can you help me?" He had been crying, his eyes red, tear stains across his cheeks. There were teeth marks on his lips where he had been biting them, trying to hold back tears. "After everything I've done. I'm a monster."

"You are not a monster." Taking his face in her hands, she reassured him. Her eyes held his, she needed him to understand. To know. "I promise you. You are not a monster. Not even close." He was silent. "James, you are a good and brave man. I've never known anyone like you." Tears began to fall from his eyes again and with her thumbs she softly wiped them away, pushing his hair back from his face. "I love you."

His head instantly shot up at her words.


"I love you, James." He laughed softly in disbelief. Her heart plummeting into her stomach. His eyes searched hers, needing to know if she was being serious or not. Smiling sadly at him, she stood to leave. No words were spoken as she began to walk away from him back towards the palace.

"I love you too."

It had only been a few months since they had moved back to New York. A fresh start.

Y/N had been by Bucky's side as he had turned into dust as the result of Thanos. She had been there when they brought everybody back. Watched helplessly as Tony sacrificed himself for billions. Held Bucky as he kneeled to the ground in anguish at the loss of the man, he needed to say he was sorry to the most. She stood and gripped his hand as they paid their respects at his funeral. But after getting him back, the hardest thing? The hardest was watching him say goodbye to Steve, his best friend, his brother. That night Bucky had sat in silence until he returned to his bed, where he cried himself to sleep. Y/N only being able to provide words of comfort and hold him tightly as he let out his emotions.

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