Grilled Cheese

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As Bucky enters the kitchen in your shared apartment, you can't help but disguise a laugh. With a white towel draped low across his hips, short hair a tangled mess upon his head and an exhausted expression on his features, it seems unimaginable that this man is an Avenger and an ex-assassin amongst other titles. Watching as he lets out an audible exhale as he sits, you lean against the counter, an expression of amusement on your face.

"You alright there soldier?" Bucky's eyebrows raise as he looks up towards you, the dark shadows underneath his eyes more noticeable in the light above the dining table. You realise that he is struggling to keep his tired eyes open, yet he had expressed his hunger as soon as he had walked through the apartment doorway.

Whilst he showered, you had prepared a quick grilled cheese, one of his favourites. As soon as he eats, his grumpiness will subside and you know he will sleep like a baby afterwards through until morning.

Taking the plate from beside you on the countertop, you sidle over to the table, taking a seat opposite Bucky and slide it across the wooden tabletop in front of him. He steadily eyes the food before looking back to you again.

"What's wrong?" A slight panic sets in as you think of all the things that can be causing this behaviour.

"Feed me." His voice is pleading as he speak, voice low and full of fatigue. You can't help but let out a small chuckle, yet the look on his face reads complete seriousness.

"Shit, you're being serious?"

"Please." The blue of his eyes shimmer as he meets your gaze and you cannot help but do as he asks. Never before had you witnessed him this tired, this run down.

You bring the plate back towards you, and taking a slice of the grilled bread, you break off a bite sized amount, holding it between your fingers. The interaction between you both is not so uncommon on date and move nights, but this feels so much more intimate, more loving than before. A soft smile reaches Bucky's lips as he takes the food from your fingers, his tongue swiping the tip of your finger causing you to giggle. You can tell he is too tired to play along with you, but it is safe to say that the both of you are enjoying yourselves. Him for exerting no energy to eat and you for seeing him so innocent and relaxed.

Once he has eaten, you tell him to go to bed, to rest. He only leaves the room on the promise that you will join him shortly, wanting to fall asleep in your arms after being away for so long. After washing the dishes you enter the room to find him already fast asleep, face pushed against the softness of your pillows, his body sprawled across the mattress at a diagonal angle. With care, you slowly lower yourself onto the bed, moulding your body into his side, gentle as to not wake the sleeping super-soldier.

"Goodnight, my love." Your whispered words are met with a soft snore from his mouth as you place a loving kiss to his forehead, setting against him it does not take you long to fall asleep along with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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