Hello Again

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You have never seen a more perfect and beautiful city than Edinburgh, the only thing that would make it that much more beautiful, is experiencing it with someone as equally perfect as the view. But that thought can only be counted as wishful thinking, you know deep down that it will never become a reality, your life too hectic to warrant you a break to the opposite side of the world. Yet, here you are, ascending from Waverley Station, bloody and beaten, admiring the city below you as it becomes smaller.

Wanda and Vision huddle in the corner of the Quinjet as Nat reprimands the both of them, Wanda tending to her love as she defends their reasonings for travelling so far from home. Steve and Sam conversing quietly in the cockpit. There is a limp in your step as you make your way further inside, your suit damp with sweat or blood, you cannot tell.

Thinking nothing of it, you busy yourself with menial tasks to pass the time, although you know the journey takes little under an hour. The longer you stand analysing information on the screen in front of you, the more exhausted you feel, the adrenaline that was previously keeping you going running thin. That is when the pain in your abdomen starts, burning and sharp. Placing a hand to your suit, you remove it to find the crimson of your blood tainting your fingertips.

"Steve?" The sound of your voice echoing in the small space, causes the super soldier to turn around quickly, halting his discussion with Sam. The last time he had heard you like this was back in Siberia, after which he had made a promise to his best friend that he would protect you, no matter the consequences.

At the sight of you hunched over, your palm pressed to your stomach, blood seeping through your fingers and dripping onto the floor below, Steve's body runs cold. How could he have been so stupid, so unaware? He is across the floor to you in three strides, holding your weakening body against his own as you crumple to the ground.

"Hey, stay with me." Steve pats your cheek as your eyes roll shut, losing consciousness is never a good sign. "Y/N, stay awake."

The edge in his voice has Nat by his side instantly, helping to lower you gently to the ground.

"Sam, how long until arrival?" Nat's words are met by silence.

"Sam!" Never have any of the heroes sat in the Quinjet heard their beloved Captain raise his voice in such a tone.

"Twenty minutes, Cap."

"Steve, twenty minutes is too long." It is the first time that Wanda has spoken since leaving Scotland as she crouches down beside them both, using her abilities to the best she can to provide you some relief and slow the bleeding.

The thought of breaking his promise to Bucky leaves a nasty taste in Steve's mouth, his stomach wrought with knots of fear, and a lone tear slips past his lashes as he silently begs for you to stay alive.

You awaken to the sight of Nat hovering over you, the lights above that hang from the ceiling causing you to squint with discomfort from their brightness.

"Steve?" There is a weakness to your voice as you speak, as Nat tries to stop you from sitting upright.

"Take it easy, Y/N." She places a gentle hand on your shoulder, an attempt to lower you back onto the uncomfortable mattress beneath you. "You need to rest."

Her words fall to deaf ears as you fight against her hold. "We're in Wakanda, right?" She knows that she cannot deny you an answer, too familiar with your stubbornness. Her only response, is a curt nod.

"Y/N, you need to rest. You lost a lot of blood back there." Although you may be stubborn, you know not to fight Nat in situations like this. Defeated, you let your head fall back against the pillow behind you.

"Where's Steve?"

It is in this moment that footsteps can be heard echoing down the hallway, increasing in speed and volume as they near the room that you currently occupy. The door swings open seconds later, swinging harshly into the wall behind it.

There in the doorway stands the man you have been apart from for the longest time. Steve coming to a halt behind him, his breathing heavy as if he has chased him along the corridor, which from the looks of things, he had.


"Doll, are you alright?"

Bucky rushes across the short distance between you, immediately taking your cheeks between his open palms. A kiss placed to your forehead, the sensation lingering on your hairline.

It has been such a long time since you last saw each other. His hair is longer, tied back loosely behind his ears, yet you long to see the brunette strands frame his face once more.

Both Nat and Steve leave the two of you alone, knowing that neither of them are needed to watch over you now.

"Last I remember, doll," he pulls up a chair to your bedside and takes a seat, not once letting go of your hand. "Is that you promised not to cause any trouble whilst I was under." A faint smile is all your can manage in your weakened state.

"Since when I have I been able to stay our of trouble, Barnes?"

A toothy grin breaks out across his face as you try to humour him followed by a scoff.

"You're not wrong there, doll. My little troublemaker."

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