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She walked aimlessly, her tattered clothes barely hanging on her shoulders. Rain pouring down on her, she was soaked to the bone. Her lifeless eyes searching for shelter. She looked up at the grey sky, wondering how she ended up here. Where should she go? Questions running through her mind in a whirlwind.

She didn't stop walking, her bare feet slapping against the cobblestone streets. People looked at her and whispered, but she didn't care. No one offered shelter, no one offered help. But she was used to it, as sad as it sounded, it was true.

Then it stopped, rain stopped pouring down on her. Yet it was still raining, then she noticed there was a shadow over her. So she looked up and to her astonishment was an umbrella. She looked to her right to see a pair of shoes, slowly her eyes trailed up. She ignored the fact that the person was missing a shirt showing their bare chest. She looked up until her own eyes met with orbs the color of coal. A boy standing beside her was holding up an umbrella for her, he looked down at her with a soft smile. He had a mop of messy black hair and narrow eyes. He wore a silver cross necklace that rested on his chest.

"Hey you ok? Aren't you cold?" He asked her, his voice and eyes showing concern and worry. He kneeled in front of her looking into her eyes.

She shook her head, the cold never bothered her much. It always felt like a tingle, a sensation of coolness. He tilted his head and placed his hand on her forehead. His hands were cool, she had to admit. Leaning into the touch. She was tired.

Feeling the familiar coolness of a distant memory, she felt relaxed. Tiredness finally creeping into her system, she felt her eyelids close. She fought them to stay open, it was in vain. Sleepiness won and she felt herself slip into a slumber.

Gray was surprised to say the least. Seeing a young girl who looked no older than six wandering the streets out in the rain without so much as a coat was worrisome.

He walked over to her and held the umbrella on top of her, if no one was going to help her. He might as well do it himself.

The girl seemed to have noticed, she looked up at him. He was taken aback. Her (E/C) eyes were blank and lifeless. He never liked eyes like that, they always bothered him. They offered no hint of emotion, he didn't expect any though.

He asked if she was okay, if she was cold. Last time Gray felt cold was when he was young. A kid. The feeling was so foreign to him he had to remind himself others weren't ice mages.

When she shook her head he didn't believe her. She must've been out here in almost nothing for a while, she probably got used to it. He reasoned, no way a toddler (kid?) like her would not be freezing out here. But she wasn't shivering, and her lips weren't blue. It seemed like she was just leisurely taking a stroll, if you ignored her clothes.

He bent down to face her to check her temperature, she leaned into his hand. It wasn't the reaction he was expecting. He expected her to jerk away, for his hands were always cold. And the only times people found his touch comforting was during the hot summer days.

What snapped him out of his thoughts was the realization that she had slumped forward. He managed to catch her in time, just before she hit the ground.

He placed his hand on her neck and retreated his hand quickly. She's burning up. He got up swiftly and for a moment had a hard time juggling an umbrella and the limp girl in his arms. He somehow got her to lay her head on his chest and hold his umbrella to keep them both dry. She weighed almost nothing which was both a relief and a worry.

He walked back to the guild. He could barely feel her breath. He had to stop and look at her chest for the rise and fall of her breathing or put a finger right under her nose to feel her intake and exhalation of breath.

Gray had successfully made it to the guild. Unfortunately the rain was still pouring. Fortunately he managed to get there before the sun went down.

There weren't many mages left, some left on jobs and others went home. Fortunately Natsu wasn't there to witness him bring in an unconscious girl, who knew what kind of new insults he could come up with. Although he was thankful someone was able to help him bring the unconscious girl to the infirmary. He asked one of the female mages to change her clothes (he was an 11 yearl old kid, he was too embarrassed to do it himself!).

After safely putting her on the bed closest to the heater, Gray dragged a chair over to the side of the bed and dumped himself on it. He propped his arms up on the bed and put his head on them. Looking at the girl, to him she looked so small (although it could've just been because of the oversized white t-shirt). She was unnaturally pale and thin, her cheeks nearly hollow and her eyes sunken in.

He sighed, he would wait until she woke up. If she ever woke up. And there he waited, in the infirmary with stone walls and beds with white sheets lining the walls with even spaces in between.

A/n: Here it is! The fanfic that I hope will turn out better than my previous one. I am aware that most of you don't like to comment. But it would bring me great joy if you did so, constructive criticism is more than appreciated!

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