I Have A Cold, Ironically

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Gray yawned, he took the warm, wet towel from the young girl's forehead and dipped it in the bowl filled with cold water. He twisted it removing the access water, refolded it and placed it back on the little girl's forehead.

She came down with a fever-not surprising since she was out in the rain for God knows how long. The 11 year old boy was currently taking care of her, since it was 12 AM in the morning and the only reason he woke up was because he heard a very loud coughing fit.

The young girl he found slipped in and out of consciousness and unconsciousness. More like she woke up, coughed really loudly a few times, then went back to sleep immediately after.

The black haired boy already checked to see if anyone was left in the guild. And as it turns out...they were locked in. The poor boy panicked for a few seconds before-well he tried-thinking rationally. Aka chanting in his head that he was going to die with a six year old kid because of hunger. Fortunately he got over it, got a bowl and filled it up with water, dipped a towel and let it soak before putting it back on the six year old girl's forehead.

He kind of wished he did have food, he was hungry and the young girl also needed food to help her body fight off her sickness. So he did what any other 11 year old kid would do when they were hungry and locked in a guild: go scavenging for food.

He went to the kitchen where the bartender usually made the food and found some left over stew. Thanking the ones above for finally having something to eat, Gray served two bowls of stew and heated them up using the fire place and two fireplace poker sticks. He grabbed two spoons and dashed back to the infirmary, being careful not to spill any of the contents in the two bowls.

The moment he stepped foot into the infirmary was when he suddenly realized...he was naked...

Quickly placing the bowls of stew down on the bedside table, the black haired boy quickly retraced his steps and picked up his clothes. He sadly had no idea where his shirt was, he figured he probably lost it a while ago.

He heard a loud 'thud' and ran back to the infirmary to see that the young girl he saved from the rain on the floor in a tangle of sheets. Her face flushed and breathing heavily.

"Where...where am I? Who...who are you...?" Her voice was quiet, barely above a whisper. She looked side to side slowly taking in her surroundings, her eyes wide with fear, no longer lifeless as they once were (Gray was thankful for that).

"Hey, hey, take it easy...you're safe, you're safe. You don't have to be scared..." The tween boy attempted at soothing her, he wasn't exactly good in situations like these. All he could offer was a hug, an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on. So that's exactly what he did.

Tears brimmed her E/C eyes threatening to fall, and so they did. They fell in heavy droplets as they splattered onto the stone floor of the infirmary. Making a small 'pitter-patter' sort of noise. It was dead quiet after all. Not long after her silent tears were followed by small sobs.

Gray kneeled and hesitantly hugged her, saying it was awkward didn't even scratch the beginning of it. She continued to cry, and he didn't know why. But seeing a little girl cry this hard, her face twisted as if in pain and her hands clutching and clawing at her chest, it hurt. It felt like a small pinprick in his heart. Small enough to notice yet big enough to hurt. He pressed her head against his shoulder and tried to comfort her by playing with her hair or absentmindedly drawing circles and patterns on her back.

Gray didn't know how long it took for her to run out of tears, it could've lasted a few minutes, maybe an hour, he didn't know. He was in a daze, he felt an urge to protect her. He wanted to protect her. She looked so small, defenseless, vulnerable even. She felt like a little sister he never had. He wanted to shelter her, protect her from the world, she was too innocent for it anyway. What snapped him out of it was the sniffling and the sobs the little girl emitted.

Revenge is Bittersweet  [Fairy Tail x Reader]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora