Why the hell do you keep screaming mate, your giving me a headache

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Chapter three
Why the hell do you keep yelling mate, your giving me a headache

Wake up we're gonna be late and I feel like something's gonna happen today.

Ugh shut up all your jumping around is giving me a headache

Well I'm sorry for actually liking school

Something is wrong with you

I got out of bed and walked over too my bathroom.

I lifted up my shirt to take a look at my bruises.

Oddly enough they weren't there, at all there was no trace of any bruise on me.

What the fuck

I kept double checking but they were really gone.

Yes! We're getting stronger

What is going on it physically impossible for any human to heal this fast

Yeah human, look don't worry about it we have to get ready for school, maybe you should wear something different like a skirt or a crop top to show off your amazing body.

I rolled my eyes

I'm fine with baggy pants and huge sweatshirts

She rolled her eyes and sulked in the back of my head.

"Baby girl are you up in there, you have to go and don't forget your camera" dad called from downstairs.

I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs.

I stopped by the kitchen table where my dad was with some random lady.

Who's this I signed grabbing an banana.

My dad looked at me confused

You know I really hate that he doesn't know sign language

I sighed

Me too

The random lady looked at me and smiled.

"I'm Meredith your dads girlfriend" she smiled

My eyes widened

Did this bitch just say girlfriend

Yeah I think she did, somethings off about her I don't know what but we can't trust her

I'm right there with you

I nodded and grab my white board

I'm rain

I know dummy

I'm not talking to you

She read it and like everyone else she told me I had a pretty name.

I nodded and gave my dad a kiss and left out of the door.

Today's gonna be hell.

I groaned as David and his friends kicked me into the locker.

"You missed a whole weeks worth of beating so we gotta make up for it" smirked Benny.

I gulped

Benny picked me up by my neck and held me up against the locker.

"Let's punch her till she bleeds from the month" Benny suggested

I've already done that

I signed to David I know he understands me.

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