Secretly Having A Relationship With: Inmate Henry Bowers

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During the holidays you work at Juniper Hills as a nurse and you go help the patients there. But one of these patients in particular though you took a liking to. His name happened to be Henry Bowers. You've heard about what happened but you've looked on passed that and you found him very very attractive.

You were sent to his room and you knocked on the door.

Henry: If it's anyone of you dicks I suggest you leave me the hell alone.

Y/N: Henry it's Y/N can I come in?

Henry: I guess.

Y/N: Hi Henry I'm Y/N nice to meet you uh I'm going to make this simple here are some gifts I didn't know what you wanted but I got you some clothes so your not in that uniform all day. I'll even wash it for you.

Henry: Thank you.

You walked over to him.

Y/N: How long have you been here?

Henry: A week.

You smirked.

Y/N: Well I know how to make you feel better.

You looked through your bag and brought out booze.

Henry: Beer? My favorite. How did you know?

Y/N: I had a feeling that you had a bad day and so you needed something to take the edge off.

Henry: Want one?

Y/N: Oh no I can't.

Henry: Oh come on. Put the do not disturb sign and come drink with me beautiful.

You put the sign on the door and you closed and locked the door. He had your beer open and that's when everything went outta control.

You guys were kissing and then he took you to his bed and you guys made love. You did that on and off all night. And from that night on you two had just decided to start a relationship.


It's been a year since then and you have quit working there only because you found out you were pregnant with his baby but the workers don't know that. You showed your ID badge and they let you in. You then made your way to Henry's room and barged into his room.

Henry: Babe how nice to see you.

Y/N: Baby I have a surprise for you.

Henry: What?

Y/N: Your going to be a dad.

Henry: Really?

Y/N: Yep.

Henry: Can you get me out of here?

Y/N: I can I have a way to come get you. Just make sure to escape.

Henry: This is why I love you.

Y/N: I love you too.

You came back for him when it was night time and he came through the back fence where there was a hole cut out of it and you guys drove away from this hell hole. You guys got away without incident and you went on to enjoy your pregnancy.


It's been a few years since you helped Henry escape from Juniper Hills and your twins are two years old. You and Henry have taken them to see their uncles. They always leave little pics that they draw for them and then you guys go back. Your so happy that you had met Henry because if you didn't you would still be going to that place and you would've quit by now.

Your twins are everything to you and Henry and you've been watching Henry teach your son how not to be like him and since he's been teaching him that you've taught your daughter how not to end up like you and she listens to you very well. You guys then go back home and you watch your kids grow up and become adults.

Both of your kids have gangs they're just not as dangerous as their fathers gang was. You guys have watched your kids get married and have their own families and you and Henry are very happy to have your grandchildren and you can't wait to watch them grow up. And of course that's what you and Henry do you watch your grandchildren get married and become parents themselves and it's like this for years to come.

Eventually both you and Henry have gotten sick and you guys make sure to spend time with your family while you can. Henry ended up going first and yeah you were sad and you loved him but he wanted you to meet more grand kids.

Once you meet more of your grand kids you get real sick and you get to the state Henry was in before he passed away. You hung on till after your birthday and you get to have a very early Christmas. When you finally pass away you see Henry Victor Belch and Patrick on the other side waiting to greet you and your so happy to see them just like they are happy to see you.

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