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It's September once again,
Only one year left to live,
So I wrote down a list of things to do
'Things to do before I die"

1. Tell y/n I love her

One day she came to me again,
Her eyes bright red,
Overflowing with tears
She charged at me,
Crying upon my shoulders,
I didn't mind a tear stained shirt
As long as it was her.

She found out, I think.
But I asked her just for sure,
"He's cheating on me, Tae"
I haven't heard that name in so long,
It felt so calm to hear it from her,
Pulling her in,
As I place my head on hers,
Patting her back until she calms down.

A few weeks afterwards,
I went for a monthly checkup,
They said I'll have about a few weeks or so to live,
And I felt my whole world collapsed before me.
I can see my mother crying,
She's sobbing as she held onto me,
Like how y/n cried that day.
"I'm sorry mum," I told her.
As I calmed her down, driving back to our house.

I didn't know what to do,
I didn't know what to feel,
It was fate anyway,
It's not like I can go against it.
So I decided to record her a video.
To tell her the things I couldn't.

I told my mother to give it to her when I pass.
She sobbed, eyes bright red,
And nodded.

Taehyung pov will be on the left
Y/n will be on the right
I took the next few weeks off of school
Placed myself onto the hospital bed,
Watching the world goes by.

Taehyung hasn't come to school in forever,
I wonder if he's ok.
Yoongi's coming to me often these days,
He begs for forgiveness
But I never replied
My mind was stuck on Tae

My breath is getting heavier,
I can see my mother beside me,
She's crying badly,
And I can't do anything for her.
Within a few moments I had flashbacks,
To when I met y/n.
Everything about her was perfect,
She was perfect.
I hear my mother for a while,
Then it all went black.
Guess this is it.
This is the end.

I couldn't bare the last few weeks without Tae,
So I went to his house after school,
I knocked on the door,
To see his mother in a broken state.
I froze,
I didn't know what to say,
Or what happened.
She replied to me,
"I'm sorry y/n, he's gone."
She sobbed.
Reality hit me afterwards,
He was no longer on this earth.
Before I bid my goodbye and wishes,
His mother gave me a video tape.
She said it was from him.

I went home quickly to see what it was.
It was his goodbye note for me.
Rewatching it over and over,
I sobbed quietly to myself,
Making sure no one would hear me.

He was gone.

Taes video:
"H-hey y/n how's it going,
I'm sorry I was being so distant to you, I just didn't want you to be hurt. Guess you heard the news didn't you. Well.. I've had this sickness since I was born, my father died because of it too. I just, I just want to tell you a few things before I go. Y/n, I was the one that carried you home that night you were drunk, it should explain the black eye I had at school the next day. *laugh*. I'm sorry I couldn't say it to you in person, I'm a bit of a coward. But, um, I just want you to forget about me, please live your life to its fullest. Achieve your dreams y/n. I'll always be watching over you. You'll never be alone. And inside that bag is a little ring, it's not much and you can throw it away if you want, but it's there for you to remember of me. I guess what I'm asking of you is, will you marry me? I'm sure you won't say yes, I just want to say it before I go. I- I love you y/n. I love everything about you, your beautiful eyes and red lips, how you blushed shyly and mostly your personality. And I'll always love you forever, but I will end this now, because um, I might cry soon. But I wish you all the best. Love, your Tae."

He ended the video with his signature box smile,
But I can see his tears slowly streaming down.
Goodbye, my love.

The things I couldn't tell you (Taehyung x reader, ft yoongi)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora