Chapter 3: Outsmarted, Outnumbered

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Kyle gave Christine a wave goodbye and returned to his squad, Fireteam Topaz. Christine jumped as she felt someone put their hand on her shoulder, and let out a sigh of relief when she saw who it was.

“Musta,” she greeted the young Sangheili. He grinned at her shyly.

“Hello Christine.” He stayed silent for a moment as Christine gathered her things and prepared to follow her squad mates deeper into the structure. “Amazing, isn’t it?” he asked. Christine let go of her SMG, assuring herself it was secure on her hip.

“What is?”

“The human... Sergeant Erl’nor and his wife. Who would have thought it...?” Christine sighed and shook her head.

“Is this about us?” Musta nodded guiltily. Christine sighed. “Can we talk about this some other time?”

“I suppose... I will stick to my word. I made a promise, and I intend to keep it.” Christine stroked his cheek.

“I know,” she whispered.

“Musta! Christine! We’re movin’ out!” Christine gave him a smile and jogged back to the group. Musta slowly trotted after her.

Troy frowned slightly as the three Fireteams made their way deeper inside the structure.

“I don’t like it,” he told Calsu. She cocked her head at him.

“What do you not like my mate?” she asked curiously.

“Think about it. We’re walking right into the centre of one of their six main hives! All we get is one Praetorian? I don’t buy it, the Xenomorphs are up to something.” Calsu chuckled lightly.

“I think you overestimate our enemies Troy.” Troy sighed and shook his head.

“I still don’t like it.” They proceeded in silence. Eventually, they found themselves in a large, circular room. There were bodies stuck to the walls, many of them human marines and Sangheili warriors. Scattered everywhere were empty eggs. Troy gasped as he laid his eyes upon the Queen Xenomorph. She was huge, and very, very pale... almost transparent... Troy frowned and pulled out his SOCOM. He shot it, and the bullet ripped through the Queen as if it were paper. “It shed its skin,” he stated. “They’re all long gone...” There was a skittering above them. Forerunner Hardlight Shields flared up at every exit.

“Oh shit...” The corporal of Fireteam Steel murmured, realising what was happening. A small, metal object landed on the floor at Troy’s feet. Troy picked up the object calmly and acceptingly. Small LED lights spelled out the numbers 04:54 in green digits. A small red light flashed insistently on the corner of the device. “Sir! We could radio the others...” the corporal suggested. Troy shook his head.

“Our radios have already been jammed.” The corporal refused to believe this and desperately yelled into his radio, static being his only reply. He stared at Troy disbelievingly.

“How...?” he asked.

“We were duped. Outsmarted, outnumbered. This whole war was rigged from the start,” he whispered sadly, not taking his eyes off the screen. 04:39. The green numbers kept decreasing slowly with a soft beeping sound.

“Captain, Quinn!” Quinn turned solemnly away from the large glass window and stared at his lieutenant. “We lost contact with Fireteams Steel, Topaz, Cobalt, Goldenheart –” Quinn silenced him with a hand and pointed down to the planet their ship was orbiting. The lieutenant gawped at the scene below. Even from their position thousands of kilometres above the surface, they could see the cloud of fire spreading away from the structure.

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