01. The Beginning

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Disclaimer: I don't own the Flash all rights go to CW but I own Laura Winter and her lines if you steal them I'll shoot you with a wolfsbane covered arrow.

I'm speed walking to Jitters as I am late to work as I'm usually every morning, but this is an exception I was staying up last night til 2am working on something and I also managed to sleep through my alarm. Oh I also forgot to introduce myself like how they do in the movies or in some cheesy romantic movie of how they talk about the guy or girl they are in love with.

I'm Laura Winter, I work for Star Labs as a bioengineer with my dad who is the owner of Star Labs Dr Harrison Wells. I also work with Caitlin Snow and Cisco Ramon who when I first met him tried to hit on me, key word tried. Yeah nearly every guy that has made eye contact with me has flirted with me and yeah it's flattering but also guys who use the same pick up line everytime, which gets kind of annoying.

But I really don't have the time for guys right now since I have a huge experiment coming up for work and it's my only focus right now. I walk across the street to Jitters when someone bumps into me making me drop my bag and all my paper fall to the ground.

"You serious?" I groan, I start bending down and picking up my papers but also the person helps me pick them up for me. The guy looks at me and he's pretty cute but I push the thoughts out of my head of how cute the guy looks.

"I'm so sorry, I was walking too fast and wasn't looking where I was going" The guy rambles as he stands up with my bag and papers in his hand.

"It's okay really, thanks for picking up my work" I reach out to grab it from his hands and I hold onto his hands a bit. He looks at me for a while and I smile innocently at him, he gives me my papers to me and I smile brightly at him.

"Thanks for that, I have to go I'm late for work" I walk around him and off to Jitters, while feeling his stare on me.

I arrive at Jitters, desperate in needing a coffee since I am still half asleep from staying up till 2:00, but also I couldn't miss any episode of Gossip Girl marathon. I walk up to the counter when a girl with dark skin and dark brown hair smiles brightly at me.

"Hello, what would you like?" She asks me.

"I'd like a latte please" I look at her name tag "Iris" I reply she smiles at me and starts making my order while I'll pay for my drink.

"Iris is a really pretty name" I compliment her as she thanks me in reply.

"Thanks, I never was fond of it when I was a kid" She jokes while I laugh at her. Iris seems like a really nice girl and really funny.

She hands me my latte and I hold the warm coffee cup in my hand while devouring the taste of my latte. "Thanks it was nice meeting you Iris" I smile and walk out of Jitters while whistling and hauling a cab.

Tonight's the night, it's the night that our whole team at Star Labs has been waiting for especially Dr Wells and Dad. As I smooth out my navy blue dress and fix my hair as I'm standing on stage looking at probably 100 people, I don't wanna make a fool out of myself.

I see Dad trying to do his tie but is failing miserably, I chuckle at his actions and walk up to him. "Let me help you with that" I start tying his tie.

"I could never tie a tie, you're mother would always help me and laugh at me" I giggle while finishing off his tie.

"Well it's great that I can. I'm so proud of you Daddy" I smooth out his tie nicely as he looks good in his suit.

"Thanks sweetie, now let's go start an particle accelerator" He walks onto to the stage while I follow him. I stand next to Caitlin as she smiles at me and we clap for Dr Wells as he walks out on stage.

"Thank you, my name is Harrison Wells and tonight the future begins. The work that my team and I will do here will change our understanding of physics, we'll bring about advancements in power, advancements in medicine and trust me that future will be here faster than you think" We all clap for him and he finishes up his speech and we go back to the lab to get ready to turn it on.

"Dr Wells we just got the latest weather report, thunderstorm is rolling in" Cisco tries to convince Dr Wells that maybe turning on the particle accelerator especially with this weather.

"We're not launching a space shuttle, we'll be fine" He assures Cisco. Dad comes up to me.

"So when this is all over, do you consider ever getting a boyfriend?" Dad asks me. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"I will consider it but if I find the right guy instead of my last boyfriend. I think I can snag a nerdy guy" I smile and he laughs at me.

"Dr Wells the accelerator is primed and ready for particle injection" Cisco smiles.

"Well I feel I should say something profound, like one small step for man. All I can think of I've been waiting for this day for centuries" Dr Wells smiles at my dad and all of us.

He hovers over the button on the computer and the particle accelerator turns on. "That's it, think they'd be a loud bang" Cisco mentions.

"If there was a loud bang we'd all be in trouble" Ronnie replies.

"Take it from the guy who built it" Caitlin smiles. I love their relationship, I'm glad he makes her happy.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we did it" We clap and Dad gets out some champagne and opens it to celebrate. Until the champagne comes up into the air, that doesn't look right.

A siren rings through and then comes the loud bang, so something's happened to the particle accelerator and there must be an emergency.

"Was that the?" Cisco asks.

"The loud bang" Ronnie finishes.

That was the first chapter!!! I'm updating the second one chapter which will have more Laura and Barry moments and I'm so excited for it!!

Dedicated to sprayberried Ali is amazing and I love her!

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