The Reunion

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"Killian." She speaks with high decency while never exerting her glower off mine. "Will you be kind enough to escort the princess to her former chambers?"

I see a towering husky young man arise from the shades with the same glowing and vividly vermillion hair and glinting sage-green eyes. His appearance alone is menace and daunting, but that is his way of coercing his victims.

"You never answered my question," I mutter under my breath since the wrath I sense when she's near is something I have never been able to experience with anyone else. She graciously smirks as she sinks into the gloom. The fright of what she might do is what makes me vulnerable to her ambiguous game.

"You don't need to take me to my old chambers. I am capable of going there myself." I don't feel safe having a Black Dragon accompany me to my chambers since I know how much they all loathe me as much as I despise them.

"If you are concerned about me killing you, don't be. If I wanted you dead, you would be by now. Everyone in the palace is under direct orders from Amara that no harm should come to you from any of us. You are a very valuable asset to her plans that only a fool would dare to jeopardize." He assures me in vexation, but it would be absurd of me to assume he won't kill me and make it seem like someone else did it to protect himself. I'm in a situation where the only person I can trust is myself.

"I'm sorry if I don't find your terms as refreshing as perhaps you intended them." I persist since there is no way I will let him take me anywhere. He groans as he begins to walk towards me, but I take a step back until I can no longer go on. I heave in despair since this his chance to do what I know his kind has been wanting to for centuries.

"You dare to defy a Black Dragon's orders? I won't deny you are provoking my insists to slaughter you right now. Ever since you walked through that door, all I've wanted is to rip your throat out and have it for dinner, and I'm not the only one. You are nothing but a defenseless human in the house of deadly predators who will not think twice about killing you if Amara told them to. The only reason you are still standing is because you have something we need. As soon as Amara gets it from you, we will get our chance of killing you. All of us. But for now, it is my duty to protect you. Take that chance while it still stands." Killian mutters in my ear, and I didn't realized I was quivering from his aggressive and terrifying words until he met my startling eyes with a vile smirk. I wish I had control of the Nexus since that would give me a chance to escape while everyone thinks I'm under Killian's surveillance. Nonetheless, I cannot leave Jake behind. Even if I knew where he was, I would never be able to get to him and leave with a castle full of vengeful dragons anticipating their opportunity to kill me.

"Fine." I vigorously agree since I won't be of any help to my people if I'm dead. As we silently make our way to my former bedroom, I think of Amadrya for the first time since I arrived. Raven mentioned her disappearance, but I have an eerie impression that she never left the castle. I have not encountered Eleanor either. I wonder if Amara hid her upon my arrival since she knows how much Eleanor means to me. By retaining the people I love away from me, she secures my willingness to do whatever she asks of me, but it is also how I keep them alive.

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