1 (Dennis)

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  I was heading home from school to get ready for Claire's party. As soon as I opened the door, I could smell the bitter scent of alcohol. I started for my room but my dad stopped me.

  "Where the hell have you been?" He shouts.

  "I missed the bus so I had to walk home." I told him. Scared of what he was going to do next. I felt his fist connect with the side of my face. I fell to the ground and he kicked me in the side.

  "Next time don't be late... It will only make things worse." He growled and stormed out of the house. I struggled to get up but I managed. I felt some blood on my face. I go into the bathroom and there was a cut on my cheek bone under my eye. I sighed and cleaned up the cut. I lifted my shirt to see a bruise. My eyes started to wander around my body. I looked at all the scars on my stomach. I pulled my shirt down and walked to my room. I looked through my closet and grabbed a f/c hoodie and some ripped skinny jeans. I slid on a pair of f/c Converse and I started to write a note telling my dad that I would be gone for a few hours. I grabbed my phone and my wallet then head to the bus stop. After I arrived at Claire's party I just sit by myself while eating small bits at a time. Claire came over to me one time asking about my cheek. I just told her that I fell down the stairs. Of course she bought it because she doesn't even know me.

  After the party everyone started to leave and I texted my dad to see if he would pick me up. I read his text telling me to walk. Does he even know how long that would take. I sighed and sat at the table a little longer. Claire's dad walks over to me and asks if I wanted a ride.

  "I don't want to be a bother." I told him.

  "Trust me you won't. Right Claire?" He asked his daughter.

  "Sure dad." Man... That sounded sarcastic.

  "I guess I could come." I finally decided.

  "Great. Well let's go then." He grabs Claire's, her friend's, and my leftovers. We walked over to the car and he opens the trunk, putting Claire's presents in there. We were all in the car. I was in the passenger seat and the other two were in the back. I look in the side mirror to see the boxes of food all over the ground.
"Awe I was gonna eat that later" I thought to myself. I heard the door open then shut. "Gross, he is just gonna leave it there" I look over at him about to ask him something until I noticed something. That is not Claire's dad. I was frozen in place until Claire noticed him.

  "Excuse me, I think you have the wrong car." She said. The man didn't say anything. He put a surgical mask over his mouth and took out some sort of spray. He sprayed the two girls and they passed out. He took off his mask and put away the spray. It's like he didn't even know I was there. I was about to open the door to leave but he already started the car and was driving. I sat there silently.

  "Where are you taking us..." I whispered. He looked over at me and then back to the road as he continued the drive. After a while he pulled into the zoo. He parked in the back and picked up Claire and Marcia.

  "Follow me." He said in a deep and honestly kinda scary voice. I did as he said and followed him. Dang he is strong. He told me to open the door and I did. I stayed behind him and he led us to a room. He laid the two girls on the bed and told me that the other one was for me. I sat on the other bed as he shut the door. I could hear the lock and I laid down on the bed. I decided that the best way to past the time is to take a nap.

  I open my eyes after falling asleep and see that Claire and Marcia were awake. I sit up and I heard someone heading to the door. The same man who kidnapped us opened the door and set a wood chair in front of it. He pulled out a yellowish, orange cloth and wiped off the seat. He sat down.

  "You guys are probably wondering why your here... Well. Have some patience. You will find out soon enough." He said in his deep voice. He was looking at all of us. He looked over at Marcia and told her to come with him. She didn't want to so he had to drag her out. She escaped he's grip for a second and she ran to me. I didn't do anything to try and stop him so I whispered to her that he seemed to be a germaphobic and OCD. She was pulled out of the room and the door lock again. We heard him yell and he threw her back into the room. He slammed the door shut and Marcia had pee on her pants. She must have peed herself... Smart.

  "He wanted me to dance for him." She mumbled. Claire hugged her.

  (This will not go in order. I am doing this the way I want. Plus I've only watched split 3 times and glass as well)

I just sat on my bed thinking of how my dad will react when I get home... Well, if you get home.
  It's been a few hours now and we heard talking. It sounded like the kidnapper and.. a lady? We could hear her talk about us. Claire and Marcia start screaming for help and when the door open... I'm pretty sure we were all shocked at who was standing there. The same man who caught us was wearing a red turtle neck and a long black skirt.

  "I was talking with Dennis, and I will make sure he will apologize. He knows he is not allowed to touch you." He... Or 'she' just smiled and left the room. Locking the door once again. I finally found out his name. Dennis. But I think I know what is going on here. I have heard about before it's like a Split Personality Disorder. But they call it DID. It was a scary thing but also kind of cool.

  Next few minutes went by and Claire got out of the bathroom. After she sat on the cot the personality that I think is Dennis walked in. He wore his usual glasses, black button up, black pants and black dress shoes. He looked pretty tidy. I mean of course. He has OCD. He walked into the room with a bucket and two bottles of cleaner. He walked over to the bathroom.

  "Uh, no, this is not acceptable. Ladies could you please keep your area neat. I brought these to help. Color coded, red is for the floor and blue is for the syramic surfaces. He held out the bucket for us to grab. The others were to scared to take it. But I gladly took the bucket and on accident my hand slid against his. I could feel him tense up. He finally let go of the bucket and I started to clean the bathroom. I always had to keep my room spotless or my dad would beat me senseless. He glared at the others to help me and they quickly walked past him. They got on the floor and started to scrub the floor. I honestly hated the way some people cleaned.

  "I'm sorry for touching you. I am not supposed to and I am trying. You are sacred food and I will not interfere." He said. He then walked out of the room.

  "You guys go sit down. I'll clean in here." I told them. They nodded and left. After I finished cleaning, I admired my work. It was spotless. I put the stuff back in the bucket and set it in the corner. I walked out of the bathroom and stretch.

  "This place is really boring." I thought to myself.

  I sat on my cot and decided that the best thing to do was take a nap.

  Claire and Marcia whisper to me to wake up. I opened my eyes and I saw that they were looking at the door. I sat up and saw......


Yup *stretches* imma end it here today. Yes, it is because I'm lazy. But I am also tired and hungry 😬


"The broken are the new evolved."


It's a good kind of madness (Split x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя