3 (the beast)

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  The person who captured me walked in, but he looked different. He looked taller and a lot stronger. You could see his veins. He started to walk towards me. I started backing up until I bumped into the corner. He got close. Too close. He leaned in.

  "What are you afraid of, child." He asked. His voice sounded almost like Patricia's, but also more like a man.

  "Being treated l-like my father treated me... " I stuttered, not wanting to look into his eyes.

  "How do you mean?" I saw him look me up and down.

  "My father has a-abused me, my whole life. My mom died when I was born. My father blames me for it. He will drink until he blacks out and beats me till the sun comes up." I said. "He even attacked me with a broken beer bottle. "

  "How do I know... You are telling the truth? " He asked me. I took a deep breath. I turned around and pulled up the back of my shirt where there were large scarred lines going every which way across my back. They stuck out slightly like all scars.
  I felt his hand slide down my back and across the scars. I flinched when his hand went across a newer one that was still healing with the scabs still fresh.

  "He whipped me with his belt when I would do something wrong."

  "You are different from the others. Your heart is pure. Rejoice!" I turned around and pulled my shirt back down.

  "What do you mean 'my heart is pure'? " I asked him with a face full of confusion.

  "The impure have not done any suffering, but you, you have suffered and now are pure." He explained.

  "So you mean people like you guys? " I pointed him. He nodded.

  "Indeed." I slightly smiled.

  "Um. So you are just letting me go?"

  "Yes child, you are not impure. You are free now. No one is stronger than your soul. Don't let anyone stand in your way. " He told me as he started to walk away. I quickly grabbed his wrist. I could feel his whole body tense up. "What is it child? "

  "C-can I stay with you? " I asked nervously, waiting for rejection. He thought for a second.

  "You should probably head home. "

  "Why so I can get beat till I'm in the hospital. Again. "

  "Do you have anything else in mind." Then with no hesitation the words slipped from my mouth.

  "Kill my father." He tried to see if I was joking at all. But once he found that I was completely serious he nodded.

  "Come with me child. We will find a place to hide out. Then, we will kill the man. " He told me. I smiled. I felt so... Different. So free... So... Strong. I don't know what is happening to me but I found courage that I never thought I would have. I proudly walked side by side with 'the beast'. As we were walking he decided to ask questions.

  "What is your name? "


"How old are you? "

  "I'm nineteen, turning twenty in  two weeks. I started school a few years late." He nodded.

  "Do you have a job?"

  "Yeah. I work at an auto repair shop. I've built my first vehicle from scratch. "

  "Interesting. Any other family? " And suddenly all the pride I felt in my systems went away. I froze in place as memories of that Terrible night flashed in my mind. Screams and cries. Flashing lights.
  I was broke out of my thoughts when the beast put his hand on my cheek.

  "Everything is ok child. Just speak your mind. You are safe with me. " Tears started to blur out my vision.

  "I had a older brother. His name was Michael. He was three years older than me. One day my dad beat him after school a few miles down the road in an alleyway. It was the end of December. My dad left him there. He died from not getting his injuries taken care of and the cold. None of that wouldn't have happened if I just didn't miss that day of school." I broke down crying. I fell to my knees and my whole body was shaking. Thinking that I could have saved him. He spent his days trying to protect me. "I-i w-was eight y-years old! H-h-he died t-trying to pr-protect me! I-i shouldn't have even been born." By the way he hugged my, I could tell he flipped. It was now Patricia who was hugging me.

  "Child. If you haven't been born. You wouldn't be able to avenge your brother. Your mother still would have died even if you haven't been born. And look, you were strong enough to survive your fathers wrath. You are living for your brother. Not to grieve over his death. So we are going to help you and we will take care of you." Her words made me feel a lot better. But I couldn't stop crying. I ended up falling asleep in her warm embrace.

  (Switching pov.
    Pov: Dennis)

After she fell asleep I took the light. I carried her to an abandoned factory. A brick factory. I found some old sheets and layed them out on the table. I sat her down and just watched her. I was drawn to her looks. I have never seen anything like her before. She is just... Stunning. I decided to straighten up quite a bit and I found two cots. I set them up so they were usable. I walked into the bathroom and cleaned it up. Then to the kitchen area. There was not much. I decided to quickly head to the store and buy some stuff. When I got back she was still sleeping. I felt myself wanting to smile but I couldn't. I went to put the groceries. I put the tooth brushes, toothpaste and mouthwash in the bathroom along with toilet paper, shampoo, Cologne, deodorant, and perfume.

  I sat on the cot looking through my phone As I was waiting for y/n to wake up. I wanted to get her abusive father off this earth just as much as y/n did herself.


Well guys I'm ending this chapter here because it's 1 am, I school and mid terms and... I can't think ATM. So I love you all and I hope you are enjoying the book. Sorry if it's a little depressing, but don't worry... It gets better.

Peace out my French fries and
keep god #1

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