2 (Hedwig and Patricia)

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  I saw the person who kidnapped us, but now he is wearing a sweatsuit.

  "Hi, I'm Hedwig, I have red socks." He said sitting cross-legged against the door frame. I sit on the floor.

  "Hi Hedwig. I'm Y/n." I smile towards him. I could see the others looking at me confused from the corner of my eye. Hedwig started talking about something called the beast.

  "Hey Hedwig, wanna know a secret?" Claire asked him. I looked at her confused at what she was planning.

  "Ok." He smiled and he duck walked over to her. She leaned in and said...

  "The beast is coming for you as well." Hedwig's eyes went wide.

  "Your a fibber." His eyes started to tear up. "Mrs. Patricia said she wasn't mad at me anymore. She even reads to me." He said a few tears escaped his eyes.

  "She is still a little mad. But we are like your babysitters. You could help us get out of here." She said. Welp. She is stupid.

  "No Mr. Dennis did a lot of work to secure this place." He stood up. "I gotta blow my nose." He ran out of the room and locked the door.

  "You guys are so stupid." I whispered. Just enough for them to hear.

  "Well I don't see you trying to leave." She said.

  "Well maybe I don't want to go home." I sat back on the cot.

  "Why not. You have your dad. He is probably worried sick." She said trying to convince me.

  "Just drop it. He said something about securing the place up so it is probably new dry wall. There I helped." Marcia and Claire looked at each other and started knocking on the dry wall to find an opening. After about a minute of searching, Claire found a hallow spot on the ceiling. She took off her heel and started breaking the drywall. The dust fell right on me.


  "Then move."

I slid the cot in the corner away from them.

  "What are you guys doing In there." Hedwig said. Marcia quickly blocked the door with her body. He kept trying to open the door. "Guys this isn't funny."

  "Give us a minute. We're changing." Marcia told him through the door. The door stopped moving but then he jumped into it. Marcia still kept it shut. Claire opened a vent that was under the dry wall and she climbed in. Then the door was pushed open like Marcia wasn't even there. Dennis stood there. His shirt unbuttoned. He had a grey t-shirt under and his same black pants and shoes. He looked at me confused. And then at the hole in the ceiling. He locked the door, probably looking for Claire.

  "Why didn't you help us?" Marcia asked.

  "What's the point. I saw him carrying you like you weighed nothing." She looked scared. "And I've been treated better here than at home so... Yeah." I laid back on the cot.
  Dennis came back in about 10 minutes later. He had a board and he screwed it in to the ceiling to cover the hole.

  "You will never see your friend again. She will stay in a separate room. Now you take off your pants and you..." He looked over at me. "Look at the mess on your shirt... Take it off. And give them to me." He held out his hand and I took off my hoodie and Marcia was left in her underwear. I was left in my red and black, plaid flannel, my black tank top and my ripped skinny jeans. He left the room and locked the door. I took off my shoes and laid down. I pulled up the black blanket, that was super soft and I loved it, over me and I fell asleep.

  I woke up to the personality wearing the red skirt. I'm pretty sure it's Patricia.

  "You must be hungry. Sit up, let me do your hair while you eat." She smiled at me. I smiled back and sat up. She sat behind me and brushed my hair. "Eat up." She said to Marcia. She took a bite. "You like it?" Marcia nodded. "I added some paprika" she shrugged her shoulders while doing a little tongue bite. I thought it was pretty cute. "I'm going to put a flower in your hair. Just to show how special you are." She grabbed a white flower with multiple buds and put it behind my ear. She made sure my h/l, h/c hair wouldn't cover it. "Come on, let's go get you guys some more food. You guys must be hungry." She grabbed our hands and opened our door, she pulled us through and unlocked another door. She pulled us down a hallway and finally to the kitchen. Me and Marcia started eating as she prepares another sandwich. Marcia tapped me. I looked at her. She motioned to the door. I raised my eyebrow.


  I quickly turned to the loud noise. Patricia slammed the knife on the counter.

  "It's not straight." She sighed. "I'll make a new one." Marcia quietly stood up and she picked up a chair. She walked up behind Patricia and smacked her with it. She took off through the door. Patricia grabbed the knife. "You, go back to your room."

  "Can I bring my sandwich?" I asked she looked confused, but nodded. Then she took off after Marcia and I went back to the room. I finished my food and I tried to occupy myself. I decided to clean up the room and bathroom. As I was getting ready to go to bed, Dennis opened the door.

  "Hello Dennis." I sat back up and sat cross-legged. Dennis sat on the bed.

  "Why aren't you helping the others to try and escape... Ther- There is a crumb on your shirt... Take it off." I take off the flannel and now left in a black tank top.

  "There is nothing for me to go back to. Why would I try?" I shrugged.

  "You have your father..." I interupted him.

  "He is not my father... Not anymore." Then its like he finally realized something.

  "Is that how you got this gash on your cheek?" He put is hand on the side of my face and he lightly guided his thumb over the cut. I slightly leaned into his hand as I feel myself wanting to cry. I nodded. "Did this just start happening... Or has it always been like this?" I pulled up my tank top to show him all the other scars. There were cigarette burns, knife gashes and the bruise when he kicked me. His hand that was on my face slid down to my side. I flinched when he slid his hand across the giant bruise on my side. I grabbed his hand and guided it to my back. His eyes went wide when he felt the scars on my back. From being whipped with a belt until I bled. "Don't worry. We know exactly how you feel." He pulled up his shirt and there was a burn scar. "Kevin ran in the house and she used an iron for his punishment." He told me. I gently slide my fingers on the scar.
  I felt a tear go down my face. Dennis noticed and he wiped it away.

  "We won't let anything happen to you again." He said and he pat my head. "Now get some rest. You need it." He stood up and I laid down. He covered me up and I closed my eyes. After I closed my eyes I felt his lips on my temple. I smiled as I heard him walk away and shut the door. I slowly fell asleep.

  I woke up to a noise in the room outside of mine. It sounded like heavy breathing. And that's when the door opened...


Hey... Chapter two. I saw that there weren't very many split x readers so... Hey.

See ya later my french 🍟

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