Final Blow

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Phoenix's pov

Come to think of it i haven't seen shane around since Aiden announced my pregnancy which was a bit strange if

I shrugged  it off

At the moment I was doing yoga dressed in pastel purple leggings which  were super comfortable and a white crop top

Doing yoga was a bit hard with a big belly in front and Aiden being the degenerate he was laid there and watched occasionally throwing comments like

"You go baby"

Or "you got such a nice ass"

I gently  sat on the yoga mat,tired and alittle sweaty

"Thank you for your support  there Aiden" I sneered

A deep laugh erupted from his chest

"Anything  for my baby boy"

I rolled my eyes and asked him to help me get up

"I want a soda"

Aiden gave me a hard look

"Phoenix no, I called doctor Sandra and she said to regulate your diet from now on,meaning its either fruit juice with no sugar added  or water"

I teared up

How could they do this to me

He pulled me into a tight hug

"Hush baby, I dont want you to cry over small stuff like this ok? Its just that there is the pregnancy and you my little pumpkin,  ur getting  chubby which I find so so sexy but Sandra just wants you to healthy along with our pups" he said before showering my face with kisses

"But..." I sniffled

"No buts princess, look, how about we make a deal? We feed you on only healthy stuff and on Thursdays and Friday's  I'll let you eat a few sweet things?"

I pouted

"Will I still be able to eat ice cream at midnight?" I asked hopeful

"Maybe,depends on if you'll eat everything I give you"

My now my tears had dried up and I nodded

"Good,now how about you go get some water, I'll be down with you in a minute"

Aiden pulled me into a short sweet kiss which I accepted whole heartedly

I made my way down the hall getting  closer to the staircase

But stopped abruptly when I saw who was stand there

It was Shane,looking more deranged than ever

"Hello there Phoenix, dont you look..." he paused and eyed me

"Lovely" he smiled like a crazy person

"Um thank you" I whispered

I crept slowly to the edge of the stairs and was about to descend them when I was turned around suddenly

"What the hell?" I asked

He laughed loudly

"I just wanted you to look at me while I end you" was all he said before he pushed me down the stairs

My eyes widened with just enough time to cover my belly

My body tumbled  down the stairs hitting each one on my way down

Pain exploded through out my whole body before something hit my head

Feeling liquid damp my hair and neck, everything swimming around me before going black

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