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Phoenix's pov


Feels like I'm floating in thin air

"Mother" A small voice rang through my ears

I was confused to say the least

"Mother" The voice came again

My eyes closed, I honestly felt at peace

"Its time to wake up"

Wake up? I was awake...wasn't I?

"We need you to wake up" A beautiful harmony of three voices filled the empty void

Before I knew it my eyes sprang open

The bright light almost blinded me,I quickly closed my eyes trying to save my eye sight

I turned my head to the side and I looked at kyle sitting in the chair seemingly asleep

If my throat wasn't so dry I would have said something

'Nick what happened?'

'You got pushed down the stairs and got hurt pretty bad so I made you sleep while I healed most of your injuries'

'How long was I out?'

'You could say two weeks now'

I internally groaned

No wonder my body felt so stiff

'You said you healed most of my injuries so why am I up? And those voices I heard?'

He was silent for a while

'Those voices I don't know and I woke you up because Aiden and Jasper are both suffering, I don't think he could go another day"

My poor mate,tears came to my eyes, I missed him too

"And the babies?'

'They are perfectly fine, why don't you mind link Aiden'

Oh right


Aiden's pov

The house was completely empty, void of any life except me of course

After we caught Shane and locked him up properly and I came back home and I wasn't intending on torchering him until my mate was back but he was to get no food or water

It was pitch black and to the point of me hating the hating the light more than anything

I made sure to relieve the pack members who were around  of their duties

And I stayed in my room, in one spot and that was on the bed curled up with a shirt a shirt that smelt like Phoenix but was slowly losing the scent

Goddess knows how long I've eaten or even showered, seemed so dull and meaningless now

I just felt dead on the inside and wanted my mate back

I whimpered crying into the white shirt


Oh great, just fucking great, have I really gone mad to the point where I'm imagining his in my head

'Aiden Black, do you not hear me talking to you!? I know your there' his voice boomed

My eyes shot open and I was up in a flash


It can't be, he's in a coma

'Yes Aiden, I'm a bit sore from being in one position and my throat is dry, could you please come get me?'

My heart was beating through my chest

'Baby' At this point I couldn't help but let out a sub

'I'm coming for you ok?'

'Ok, please hurry'

Adrenaline rushes through my body as I sprinted to the bathroom, not carrying for anything

I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, got dressed then left the house

I winced as the light connected to my face and let put a small hiss, but that was the least of my concern

I made my way to the hospital

Once I was there I got the pack doctor and went straight to his room

I burst through the door

Kyle jumped up looking frightened more than anything but I ignored him

What caught my attention was a pair of bright green eyes trained on me

"Phoenix "

I honestly felt like I was walking on sunshine

A huge tired smile spread across his beautiful drowsy face

I made my way over to him and engulfed him in a tight hug but not too tight to hurt him or the kids

"I missed you so much" I said through tears

He nodded into my shoulder as his tears soaked my shirt, I didn't mind though

Kiyle had a big smile

"Good morning Luna, good to see that your out of your man cave Alpha"

Phoenix gave a light push and I moved away

He then pointed to his throat

"I'll go get you some water"

I was so excited I left the room in a rush, not wanting to be away from him for long

Phoenix's pov

For some strange reason while I was out I heard everything and I wanted to talk to Kyle about his situation

I turned to Kyle and put out both of my hands to him and he took them

I gave them a light reassuring squeeze and smiled at him

His bottom lip trembled and I could only describe it as adorable

"I'm so happy that your awake,Aiden was driving himself crazy, I'm so happy"

He hugged me and of course I hugged back

Sigh I missed them all too

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