A Journey: Destination Unknown

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The drizzling over my car's window couldn't stop me from seeing the depth of river Son. In the car, my whole family was sitting but for me it was just the soothing music and the calmness of river.
The view of flow of the river was majestic and it was just like watching billions of drops moving together. It was flowing with great courage, strength and perfect consistency, an artery of blessed water. It will be as speckled as a thousand dollars diamond in noon sunlight. The flow was without any fuss and soothing to my eyes. Is there anything so reliable as this water?
Everytime I crossed this river, I was too busy to admire it's beauty but this time the traffic jam provided me with the golden opportunity to look around and enjoy.
This river wasn't just quenching the thirst of mighty humans but it was also a source of hope and joy for children. The children themselves were a source of optimism as they were enjoying the coolness of water without bothering about the scorching rays of Sun.
Those children taught me a sensitive philosophy of life-
To be happy in whatever we have instead of crying for what we don't.
But is this philosophy applicable for a normal human being like me? Are we ever contented or satisfied with what we have or achieved? Do we have time to see our achievements?
Are we able to cope with the loss of loved ones?
"No"-The answers to all these questions were no and will always remain no.
The journey of life that we have read in our books is completely different from what it actually is because in our lives everyone plays their part but nobody plays their respective roles.
And so here my journey of my car as well as life begins where the car has a fixed path, direction and destination but my life only had paths without knowing the destination. My life has a contrasting chapter altogether and this journey having separate paths. It is discrete from the ones that my granny taught me in my childhood.
So my heart feels that-"Many times life isn't beautiful it's just true.."

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